Drop the Dagger and Lather the Blood on Your Hands

Makes Me Happy

"Frankie? What are you doing?" Gerard asked as he saw Frank sitting on the kitchen floor, jar of peanut butter in one hand and the other hand with his finger in the jar, spooning out the peanut butter, then licking it off.
"Eating peanut butter" He sighed.
"Makes me happy" Frank replied, with a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Why are you sad Frank?" Concern filling Gerard's voice. Why wouldn't he be concerned? Frank was Gerard's best friend, well Gerard wanted more. He loved Frank. Always had. Always will.
"Just am"
"There must be some reason"
Frank just shrugged and went back to eating his peanut butter.
"C'mon Frankie. Talk to me"
"Nuh-uh" Frank shook his head
Gerard was frustrated and worried that Frank wouldn't tell him what was going on. Frank always talked to Gerard. About everything. He hated seeing his best friend like this.
"Please talk to me. You're my best friend" Gerard pleased, causing the younger man to burst into tears.
"Hey Frank! Don't cry" Gerard said and sat down next to Frank, pulling Frank into him. Gerard rubbed circles on Frank's back while whispering in his ear "Shh, Frank, please don't cry"
"I-I'm sorry, G-er-rard." Frank hiccuped through his sobs.
"Why are you upset Frank?"
"D-doesn't matter"
"Of course it matters. It's obviously upsetting you. You're in fucking tears. I can't help you if you don't tell me"
"Y-you c-couldn't help me. You wouldn't want to h-help me" Frank cried harder.
"Of course I would want to help. You're my-"
"B-best friend. I know Gerard"
This statement kind of blew Gerard away for a second. Why did Frank say that so coldly? What had Gerard ever done?
"What did I do?" Gerard asked, clearly offended.
"You didn't do anything Gerard! It's me. It's all me." Frank cried.
"Please tell me what's going on Frankie. You're scaring me." Gerard pleaded again.
Frank just shook his head "C-can you get me some w-wat-er My throat h-hurts."
"Of course"

Gerard unwrapped his arms from around the smaller man and stood up to get Frank some water.

When he handed the water to Frank, Frank had stopped crying and took a huge gulp from his water. His eyes were swollen and all red and puffy, along with his cheeks and lips.
'Even like this he looks beautiful' Gerard sighed to himself.
"Can we go out Gee? I don't feel like staying inside."

Gerard pulled Frank up and took his glass from him, placing it next to the sink to be washed up later.
"Where do you wanna go?" Gerard asked.
Gerard grabbed his and Frank's coats and they set off out the door.

When they reached the park Frank went straight for the swings. His swings. Gerard knew that Frank went to the swings to think, everyone knew. They were Frank's swings.

Frank sat on the swing and swung as fast as his little legs would let him go, occasionally grunting from trying to push himself higher.
"Come on Frank, what are you thinking about?" Gerard asked after 5 minutes of watching Frank swing as high as he possibly could. Trying to get higher than the bar.
"Nothing" Frank mumbled.
"You must be thinking about something. You always swing when you're thinking about something that's bugging or upsetting you."
"Just leave it Gerard" Frank grumbled and jumped from the swing, whilst it was at it's highest point, and twisting his ankle in the process "ow, fuck."
"You okay Frank?" Gerard sprang from his swing and ran over to Frank.
"Mm, just peachy" Frank replied from the floor.
"Lets get you home" Gerard said, heaving Frank from the ground.
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Should I continue?