Drop the Dagger and Lather the Blood on Your Hands


"c'mon Frankie, we've got to go to Ray's now!" Gerard called up the stairs to Frank.
Frank quickly put the blade back into his drawer and put on a black button up shirt so if he kept bleeding it wouldn't be too obvious.
"What've you been doing?" Gerard asked as he got down.
"Nothing Gerard."

The walk to Ray's apartment was silent and awkward. Frank was thinking about his misery and everyone else's happiness, and Gerard was thinking about how he just wanted to kiss Frank then and there.

It wasn't really a party of such, more like a gathering of a few friends having a drink, not like a high school party.

Frank sat at Ray's kitchen table with a beer. Everyone else was in the living room talking.

"I'm going to go talk to Frankie" A guy with black hair and red bands said.

"Hey Aaron" Frank sighed as he saw his friend walk through the kitchen door.
"Hey Frank. How are you doing?"
"Eh, okay I guess" Frank sighed.
"Okay, what's up?" Aaron asked as he pulled up a chair at the table.
"Doyouwannagoonadate?" Frank blurted, biting his lip.
"S-sorry, I didn't catch any of that."
Frank took a big sigh "Do you want to go on a date?" He repeated.
A grin spread across Aaron's face "Yes"
"Awesome, want to have dinner tomorrow night?"
"Yeah, sure" Aaron continued smiling.
"Come to my place tomorrow at 8?" Frank continued to bite his lip and picking his nails.
"Okay, cool. I'll be there" Aaron said, standing up and kissing Frank on the cheek and walked back into the living room, smiling.

Frank downed half of his beer he had left, slamming the can down on the table and taking in a deep breath.

"I hear you've got a date with Aaron?" Gerard said, coming into the kitchen and sitting opposite Frank.
"Uh huh" Frank replied, and grabbed another beer
"Frankie, stop drinking now" Gerard took the beer away from Frank.
"No, can I have it back please?" Frank argued, snatching it from Gerard's hand and taking a sip.
"Frank, I think you've had enough" Gerard argued back, taking it from Frank.
"No Gerard, I haven't" Frank took the beer back and drank some.

The whole snatching of the beer went on until Frank had finished the can.
It was bad enough for Gerard to have to watch his best friend to drink his way into oblivion, but to have him now dating Aaron was too much.
He wanted nothing more than to be able to grab a beer and drink his was into oblivion like Frank was doing, and like he used to.

"Gimme a beer Frank" Gerard sighed, rubbing his temples and staring at the pack next to Frank.
"No way Gerard, I might not be completely sober, but I'm not stupid. I'm not letting you slip into your old ways."
"I guess you're right" Gerard stood up, patted Frank on the shoulder and walked back to where Ray, Bob, Mikey, Aaron and Sam were sitting.

"What's wrong Gerard?" Bob asked.
Gerard was too busy thinking to hear Bob's question.
"Gerard! Earth to Gerard!" Bob shouted
"Hmm, what?"
"What's wrong?" Bob repeated.
"Oh, erm nothing. Nothing"
"Come on man, you were fine a minute ago" Sam, a bleached blonde haired boy with green eyes said.
"It's nothing."
"Dude, just tell us" Ray pushed.
"Okay, fine. I'm in love" Gerard admitted.
"Oo, with who?" Aaron asked. You're 'boyfriend' dickface.
"Doesn't matter, you don't need to know"
"Awh, c'mon tell us."
"Please" Mikey pouted.
"You're my older brother, you tell me and I make fun of you for it. It's all in the brother guide book."
"Exactly, you don't need to know."
"Eh, fine. I guess I'll find out when you go out."
"That's not gonna happen, so you'll never know."
"Why not?"
"He doesn't like me that way."
"Ah, I'm sorry man" Aaron said, putting his hand on Gerard's shoulder. Get you're fucking hand off me before i have to rip it off your wrist and my shoulder.

"Hey, Gee. You ready to go home now?" Frank asked as he walked into the living room, grabbing his coat off the hanger.
"Sure" Gerard replied.
"Bye Guys!" The rest of them said and Aaron got up to give Frank a quick peck and say goodbye.
"Tomorrow at 8?" Aaron checked.
"Yep, bye"

"So, you and Aaron eh?" Gerard started again. He didn't know why he was asking as it was killing him, but he wanted to know what it was that Aaron had that Gerard didn't.
Yes Aaron was attractive, but what was it that Gerard couldn't compare to?
"Mmhm" Frank bit his lip.
"So he was the guy you were talking about?"
"Yes" Frank replied hoarsely