As Days Go By...


Three years later and not much had changed. Zacky, Jimmy and Matt formed a band with another guy, Matt Wendt. I didn’t mind Wendt, honestly. He was funny.

"How are all of you guys going to sleep in there with your equipment?" I asked, pointing to the van that five people would be fitting in for the next four or so months.

No one had an answer to that. I guess they didn't think that far ahead.

Val smiled at me. "Are you sure you don't want to come, Kay?"

I told her I was good, and then they took their turns saying goodbye to me. Val hugged me and told me to try to preoccupy myself without them.

Matt gave me a hug and told me to behave myself.

Wendt told me not to go partying without him and he gave me a hug and a cigarette to remember him by.

Jimmy gave my a wet, sloppy kiss on the forehead, told me he loved me, and said goodbye.

Zacky was the last to say goodbye. He looked terribly sad to be saying goodbye.

"Sure you don't wanna come?"

I said no, and he hugged my tightly. He told me he'd miss me out there. And then, he did something I'd never expect—

He kissed me.

"Goodbye. But, just for now."
♠ ♠ ♠
This one is one of my favorites(: