As Days Go By...


A month later after they had gotten back from their first tour, Zacky and that bimbo were still together, sucking face twenty-four seven, only occasionally coming up for air.

Can you say grotesque?

One day, Zacky had called Brian over to work on guitar riffs. Brian had begged me to come with him, considering he didn't want to deal with "Zee and Vee" (as they liked to call each other) alone.

I agreed, only because Brian was a great friend. With somewhat benefits.

After an hour of being at Zacky's (and watching him make out with Vivian), I excused myself to the bathroom, and stared at the mirror.

And then, I thought of an ingenious plan.

I walked back out to the living room, sat on Brian's lap, and kissed him. He didn't expect it, and neither did Zacky.

After about five minutes, and I stood up, pulling Brian with me. I didn't break eye contact with Bri, and I mumbled, "I hope you don't mind me stealing your guitar buddy. I think whatever it is you wanted to do can wait."

I drug Brian out of the house with me.

I think I made a lasting impression in there.
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Another one of my favorites! ;D