As Days Go By...

Adore Me.

"Kaylaaa," Jimmy said, in his famous sing-song voice. He picked me up and twirled me around over his shoulder. We both eventually crashed to the ground with a loud thud. We laughed, and then we cuddled and looked at the clouds like we used to.

"I think Zacky really adores you, Kay," Jimmy whispered in my ear, like it was a secret.

A smile graced my lips. "Really, Jimjam?"


It was quiet for a few minutes before Jimmy spoke again. "I think he's adored you all along, but he was too stupid to realize it. I mean, who wouldn't adore you? I know I do."

I cuddled further into Jimmy. "Jimmy, I adore you, too. You're the greatest friend any girl or any guy could ever have. You're the greatest and I'm so incredibly lucky to have you as my best friend."

Jimmy grinned and grabbed my hand. "Yes! She loves me, too!"

Jimmy was such a kid sometimes. I loved it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awe, Jimmy (: ♥