As Days Go By...

Can You Hear Me?

Brian was drunk. It was more than obvious. He was practically swimming in JD.

I begged him to stop, but he didn't want to listen to me. Instead, he just ignored me and continued taking shots.

That night, Brian went through two bottles of Jack Daniels.

I had to put my foot down when he went after the bottle of vodka. What else could I do? I couldn't watch my friend kill himself to death before he went on tour.

So I told him to stop, put down the bottle and go to sleep.

I even offered to stay with him. Instead, he just scoffed, continued ignoring me, and kept trying to get the bottle from my hands.

"Brian, are you even listening?" I hissed, trying to push him away. He didn't answer. "Can you even here me? Earth to Brian, stop trying to kill yourself with alcohol."

He stopped, glared at me, mumbled something about me sleeping with Zacky, and stormed off.

Somehow, I think I lost a friend that day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww Bri ):