Bitter Pill

Chapter 7

“Oh man…” I snort, sitting up in the darkness. My nose stings and so does my stomach. Easing out of bed and creeping out of my room, I head straight for the kitchen for something to drink.

Mom’s laid out on the couch with the living room light still on and a probably empty bottle of beer in her hand. The TV is blaring from the sound of an infomercial so I know it’s gotta be at least 2am.

But I wanna go out; for some air, or at least to stretch. My whole body feels numb to everything despite the fact that my nose is stinging like hell.

After downing a can of ginger ale, I slide into a pair of beaten up blue flip flops and sneak out the front door, leaving it cracked open a little.

“Oh, God…” I sigh, heading up the remainder of the hill on my street.

It’s a pretty short walk from where I live, and at the end, there’s a huge playground that’s frequented by kids playing basketball and selling drugs most of the time. But of course that’s usually done in the daytime.

“I need a smoke.” I think, even though really I know it’s the last thing my body needs right now.

Trying to finish up the rest of the hill, I stop suddenly and fall to my knees. I feel it, all of it, coming up all at once in a single wave, a heated rush, of pain and deliverance. The taste is so bitter and acrid that I feel like crying.

After getting the remains of vomit out of my system, I hurry and try to pick myself back up before anyone can notice.

“Whoa, that’s some bad shit you had huh?” Nash towers over me smiling, hands in his pockets, challenging me it almost seems.

“Go.” I wave him away, stumbling as I pick myself up off the ground as well.

“I think I’m fine right where I stand. But the question is: what about you?” he says suggestively, his eyes bleeding into my own.

“Nooo, I’m fine. Besides, what’s it to ya?” I snap.

He grabs my arm; grips it tightly. I’m taken aback by Nash’s freezing fingers

“Nash let me go.” I say calmly as he tugs me and my arm up the remainder of the hill, “I don’t wanna go to the park.”

“Who said that’s where we’re goin’?” he flashes a smile back at me quickly.

“Nash.” I begin to panic.


“Nash, where are we going?”

“Don’t worry, you’ll find out.”

“Nash I swear to God if you don’t tell me where the hell you’re tryin’ to go, I’ll bite your fucking fingers off.” I growl at him, tugging my arm towards my lips.

I try to stop him from pulling anymore so I force all my weight towards the ground.

“Shit…okay, relax. I’ll tell you.” Nash sighs, releasing pressure from my arm gently. “I know a guy who sells these pills that takes the edge off.” He whispers now.

“Take the edge off what?” I ask curiously, not that I’m into drugs or anything.

“You know, after a speedball wears down.”

“Speedball..? What do you—Nash!” I shriek angrily

“Yeah, so you in or what?” he questions, moving in closer on me.

“I’m not on drugs!” I shake my head quickly.

“Are you sure you don’t need it?” he presses my fingers gently.

“Nash, I’m serious; I don’t do drugs. Not into that stuff.” I explain as I take a few small steps back from him.

“Well come on, I’ll buy you somethin’ to drink at least.”


“Come on, I know this chick who makes some stuff. Tea, I guess you can call it.”


“I said it was tea! Don’t you girls drink that stuff?” He stops and stares at me.

“You better not be bullshittin’ me.” I smirk at him, resuming the walk.

On the inside, I can’t help wondering where he came from or why he’s even putting on the façade that he cares about my being. But for now, I go with the flow since I feel so terrible inside.

“Rache, I’m back!” Nash yells as he walks into a diner with me following behind him.

It smells of coffee and bitter cigarettes. There’s only one other person inside; a dumpy old man hunched over in a corner asleep with a paper lying on his chest. The floor has shoe tracks ridden all over it, right up to the other end of the diner, where a jukebox sits.

“Nice.” I think to myself, not being sarcastic this time. Old-fashioned things make me feel good inside.

“Oh yeah? When you gonna help an old friend get some good clientele in this dump?” a woman teases, coming from the back room of the diner.

Her eyes are icy green, her hair shoulder-length and a bit brighter than auburn red. She appears to be a few inches taller than me, but I know she isn’t as tall as Nash and I’d have to guess she isn’t a day past 30.

“Funny you should say that. I brought a friend.” Nash smiles, adoring the woman.

“Great, another one? I meant some real customers who don’t bad-mouth Vick’s macaroni salad.” Rache shakes her head.

“Relax, this one’s different.” Nash laughs, turning around to face me, “Rache this is Taryn; Taryn, Rachel. And I didn’t meet her hangin’ around the lake this time, just so you know, Rache.”

“Oh, Taryn. Sick name for a chick. So how much he pay ya to come in here anyway?” the newly-introduced Rachel smirks at the both of us.

I laugh and Nash answers for me, “I didn’t pay her Rache. She’s sick, so go make somethin’.”

“So that’s all I’m good for huh? Why doesn’t anyone ever ask for the crab legs or a club?” Rachel sighs, turning around, picking up a tea cup.

“Let’s be honest: would you ask for anything outta here? Remember the brownies, the eggs, and the sushi incident?” Nash raises an eyebrow.

“Hey, I’m makin’ a sale right now! Don’t ruin this for me.” Rachel whines as I watch her preparing the tea.

Sitting down on one of the stools, Nash motions for me to sit next to him. Shaking my head bashfully, I reluctantly sit down with one of the stools bridging the gap between us. Feeling his cold brown eyes on me, I look Nash over quickly and turn back to face Rachel.

“Well, tell me watcha think.” Rachel gazes at me as I down the tea she’s finally done with.

“It’s good. I like it.” I nod after finishing the whole cup within a 5 minute range.

“You ‘like it’? That’s it?! Can I improve on it?” Rachel grills me, leaning closer in on me.

“It…was really good. I don’t know what else to say. It was fine.” I shrug nervously.

“Chill Rache; at least she drunk it all.” Nash smiles, I’m not sure whether it’s at me or her; more than likely, her.

“Yeah, unlike that one chick you brought in here last week. What was her name—Linda, right?” Rachel seethes.

“Yeah, her. She’s way more chill than her.” Nash nods quickly. He’s clearly trying to hide from me the fact that he was hanging out with Lydia, as if I don’t already know.

“Yeah, she is.” Rachel says blankly, taking my empty cup to the sink in the corner, “Where’d you find this girl anyway?”

“Around.” Nash grins.

“Huh, around you say?” Rachel turns and raises her eyebrows, “Listen, you don’t wanna lie to a stranger Taryn: where’d you meet this kid?”

“Um…Around?” I shrug nervously.

Almost immediately, Rachel’s eyes flick back over to Nash, burning holes in his forehead if she could, “Oh; so she’s in on this love game with you too?”

“Maybe.” He sneers.

“So…How many times now? Gotta be at least…5 now?” Rachel says inquisitively.

“None.” Nash says so quietly I almost don’t hear him.

“None? No way Nash! Once?” Rachel teases.

“I said none.” He shakes his head and hops off the stool.

I wish I didn’t have to sit here like a mindless idiot, wondering what they’re talking about. But I haven’t got the guts to butt in either, so I just watch and try to piece things together as best I can. But I’m pretty sure it’s coming out terribly.

“Aww Nash you don’t have to get upset. It was just a simple question! Besides, I’m sure it’ll happen soon.” Rachel smiles, glancing over at me quickly.

“What’ll happen soon?” I accidentally blurt.

“Don’t worry about her, come on. It’s late.” Nash shakes his head, grabbing my arm and quickly tugging me out of the diner while I fight to retain my arm.