Status: hiatus

A Life That's So Demanding

“Are you okay now, Frankie?” he asked, his voice soft and quiet.

“Yes, thank you Gee.” I said, turning slightly to face him. He grinned down at me before leaning forward and placing a delicate kiss on my forehead. I felt my cheeks heat up and a grin spread across my face as I snuggled further into his arms.

“I like you Frankie.” Gerard said.

“I like you too Gee.” I replied.

Okay, so i got the idea for this story whilst watching a documentary about Egyptian incestuous relationships ... yeah don't ask. anyway, all the eyeliner made me think what My Chem would be like if they lived back then. so yeah.

Basically, this is story is going to be really short, about 5 chapters long, it's going to be drabble but i think that it's needed. it is about building Frank and Gerard's relationship.

So Gerard starts out as 9 years old and Frank at 7. What will happen when the two young boys find themselves in a complicated friendship?

Disclaimer: i don't own anyone, blah blah blah, the plot is MINE!(but also Fran's aka SynysterThoughts)