You're Giving Me Such A Rush

I'm Done For

Beep after fucking beep.

This is the reason that I don’t own an alarm clock. Okay so that’s pretty confusing considering that I’m complaining about the beeping noise surrounding the room now, but let me explain.

I’m currently residing in my best friend’s, Alex, bed on the first day of school for this year.
Knowing that Alex wasn’t going to move and shut that stupid thing up, I stretched my arm across his sleeping body and patted the clock until I found the snooze button, giving us a few extra minutes.

Laying flat on my back with my eyes closed I felt him shift next to me and drop the weight of his arm across my stomach and mumble something incoherent. I sighed, knowing that if I didn’t move and wake the lump next to me up, then neither of us would move and we’d be in serious trouble for not attending school, and I do not need to give that thing, that now resides in my house thanks to my mother, anything to to criticize me about.

“Al, come on. You need to wake up. It’s the first day of your senior year. You know what that means... Come on.... You’re just one more step away from finishing school and touring. Something that you’ve dreamed of your whole life. Now wake up you piece of shit”

“Mm, Micah go sleepy now” Alex replied in a sleep ridden voice before burrowing his head into his pillow further.

I rolled my eyes before pushing his arm off of my stomach and heaving myself off of the bed and stripping back the covers so the cold air hit Alex’s back making him groan and shiver.
Laughing at his pathetic whines and moans, I waltzed into Alex’s connected bathroom and switched the shower on after stripping out of a pair of Alex’s boxers and a vest that I was using as pyjamas.

Allowing the scolding water to cascade down my back my mind drifted back to this weekend’s events. I had stayed the entire weekend with Alex, mostly drinking until we dropped. I swear these boys are going to be the death of me. Dragging me to a different party every weekend getting me drunk out of my mind evidently making me make a fool of myself so they can take the piss continuously.

Shaking my head with a smile on my face I reached over and grabbed my fruity shampoo that just so happened to go missing from my own bathroom one day when Alex was over. He has some weird obsession with it. That boy really confuses me sometimes.

After I had rinsed my hair and washed my body I turned off the shower and stepped out into the steam filled room and grabbed a towel and secured it around my body before walking back into Alex’s room.

It wasn’t a big surprise when I looked at his still unmade bed and saw that he had chosen my outfit for me. It was like some weird ritual for him. Ever since we started high school he has been choosing my clothes for the first day back at school. He says that it’s because he wants to see me looking smokin’ but not too much because he doesn’t want guys all over me. Not that he would know anyway, considering he isn’t even in the same grade as me.

I could hear the shower running from across the hall and knowing that Alex would most likely come in soon and not leave so I could get dressed, I quickly riffled through the draw of clothes I kept in Alex’s bedroom and pulled out a bra and matching underwear and whipped them on just in time for a certain skunk haired boy to bound into the room.

“Woooooah Miicaaah! When did you get a body like that? And why did I not know about it?” He shouted whilst wiggling his eyebrows.

I simply just rolled my eyes before telling him to go fuck a dick to which he replied

“I will as soon as Alex gets his sexy ass out of the shower... Jacky needs some lovin’” and cue the eyebrow wiggling again.

So here I was, standing in the middle of Alex’s bedroom in nothing but my underwear when the front door slams and two more pair of heavy footsteps make their way up the stairs and come barging through the door only to be stopped dead in their tracks when their gaze fell upon me, or should I say my chest making me feel seriously awkward. Crossing my arms I coughed slightly making it clear that I was embarrassed but still I had three pairs of eyes glued to my body.

“Guys come on. I need to get dressed. Guuuuuuys, get out. Please?” I’m pretty sure that my face was about a million shades of red by now. Again I was met with glazed eyes attached to my body.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to tell them to get out again, Alex burst into the room mid song and stopped dead in his tracks this time. But, unlike the others, he wasn’t staring at my chest.

“Alright fuckers. Get out. We need to get dressed. So leave. Now” He sent them a stern look before turning his head to flash a quick smirk and wink in my direction causing me to roll my eyes at his whorish behaviour.

Rian was the first to leave closely followed by Jack who was whining about leaving and the fact that his mother didn’t feed him this morning, which was most likely a lie.

I felt a hand grasp my shoulder making me turn my head to see that it was Alex smiling down at me causing me to smile back.

I lifted my hand to my cheek and tapped it a few times signalling him to kiss my cheek which he quickly did before rushing into the bathroom to get dressed.

Smiling to myself I turned around and jumped about 10 foot in the air when I saw that Zack was still in here staring at the ground.

“Hey, erm Zack, do you mind like going down stairs? It’s just, I need to get dressed, and yeah...” I said trailing off.

He lifted his eyes from the ground to meet mine, his eyes full of intensity but a glimmer of another emotion I couldn’t quite determine.

“Okay, I’ll erm, meet you guys downstairs. Yeah, bye” His awkward yet adorable voice spilled into my ears making me smile slightly before his feet scurried out the door taking his gorgeous self with them.

Here I am, standing in my best friends room in nothing but my underwear thinking about one of my other best friends and how my big time crush on him has just jumped out of the cage and is running wild.

Man am I fucked.