You're Giving Me Such A Rush

Just Another Reason I Could Never Forget You

Pulling up at school and sliding into the parking designated to Alex, how he managed that I have no idea, I saw many girls, freshmen to senior pulling out mirrors and checking their hair, their makeup, their chests. Ew. All because they saw Alex’s car arrive, not even bothering to look in the window and notice that he wasn’t even in there.

Laughing at their stupidity, I opened the car door and slid out, pausing only to reach into the passenger side to grab my bag before shutting the door with a flick of my wrist.
heard a slight shuffle behind me but took no notice of it, but as I went to take a step forward I found myself wishing I had taken notice.

Two arms encased my body, rooting me to my spot. Throwing any idea I had of escape out of the window.

The person holding me captive leant down, so I could feel their bristle skin rubbing against my cheek, their warm breath against my neck, and whispered in my ear
“Now little girl, that wasn’t a very nice thing you did this morning, was it?”
Letting out a huge sigh of relief, I turned to face my captor before speaking.

“Jesus Jack, are you trying to kill me?” This is where most girls would have batted their eyes with an alluring pout gracing their lips; but not me. I was more of a ‘glare and stare’ sort of gal. All he responded with was a hearty laugh and slung his arm around my shoulders.
Tilting my head as well as I could due to Jack’s insane 6foot compared to my feeble 5foot3inches, I looked behind us to see Alex and Rian walking causally staring at us with that always evident look of humour; and when I say always evident, I mean when we’re around Jack, that boy is just too weird but I love him so I can’t complain.

You’re all probably thinking ‘Where’s Zack?’ well he doesn’t attend Dulaney, he goes to Towson but for some really weird reason that I still don’t understand, he meets up with us before school and then heads to the other side of town, it’s strange because it just makes the journey so much longer for him, though I’m really not complaining.

I realised that I had gone into a slight daydream when all three guys were crowded around me confusion etched into their faces trying to get my attention.

“Woah. Sorry, I was daydreaming. What were you saying?”

All of them laughed slightly, knowing this wasn’t a strange occurrence.

“Melissa is on her way over just thought I would warn you before you get tackled this time” Rian spoke up just in time for me to catch Melissa throwing herself at me.

Stumbling slightly I willed my feet to stay routed to the ground today, I couldn’t be doing with yet ANOTHER bruise caused by Melissa’s hyperness. I really don’t understand how someone who is at least 4 inches shorter than the person jumping on them manages to stay upright. Guess I underestimated my strength.

“Morning Liss” I spoke wrapping my arms around the thin girl connected to me.

After 5 minutes of pointless hugging I looked up at the guys to see them standing there laughing. Begging them silently with my eyes I watched them start laughing all over again before Alex stepped away from the group grabbing hold of Melissa’s waist and prising her body off of mine.

“Oh sweet Jesus! Oxygen I never realised how much I take you for granted. Never again. Do you hear me? Never again!” My outburst caused the guys and Melissa to all brake out in hysterical laughs once again.

Once we all calmed down I took the chance to look at Melissa. The way her dark brown eyes matched perfectly with her brown shoulder length curly hair. How her outfit which was immaculate as always fitted her slender 5foot7 body. Smiling, I linked my arm through hers before guiding our small group towards the entrance of the school.

I wouldn’t say that we were insanely popular, but people knew who we were, most likely because Lissa and I were close with the guys. This sometimes, okay who am I kidding, all the time caused rumours, spiteful rumours, but it was nothing we couldn’t handle and if there was one, on the off chance that we couldn’t, the guys could and it was dealt with quickly.

As we walked down the hall, our group of 5 dwindled down to just me and Lissa as the guys stopped off at their lockers which were placed at various places in the hallway. Luckily, mine was placed directly outside my homeroom with Lissa’s a few to the right of me. Grabbing the few books I would need for first and second period and placing them in my bag I closed the locker gently before heading into the classroom and settling in my usual seat next to Alex.

I was thinking that it was going to be awkward between me and Alex considering I had blown up at him in his kitchen and then stolen his car, but it wasn’t. He turned to me and smiled cheekily before asking for his car keys. Once he had them safely in his hand he leaned across his table and pressed his lips to my cheek in a chaste kiss and tucked a wild wave behind my ear before sitting back in his chair and offering me his other earphone. Graciously accepting, I let the beat of Head On Collision fill my ears and sighed.

I’m happy. For the first time in a while, I was genuinely happy.
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Im sorry that its not very long and that i took forever to upload.. but ive had a lot on with Exams and everything at school but i finally got it done thanks to Melissa, so i would like to dedicate this chapter to her. Shes amazing and a great friend :)