You're Giving Me Such A Rush

I leave my footprints for the evidence

Normally, lunch at high school is the same everyday; boring and repetitive.
But when you're friends with Alex and Jack not one lunch is ever the same as another.

I was currently gasping for air as my body shook with silent laughter at the two boys standing in the centre of the table with their tops tied showing their chests dancing to Hit me baby one more time, which was playing aloud from Rian’s phone. Why he had that on there I don’t know.

“Gaskarth. Barakat. My office. Now” Mrs Copeland’s, our principle, voice echoed throughout the lunch room creating utter silence until the boys stepped off of the table earning themselves a collected “Oooh” from just about everyone inside the room. This, of course, just fed the boys egos and planted huge cheesy grins on their faces as they locked hands and literally skipped out of the room behind Mrs Copeland.

Wiping a few stray tears of laughter from my cheekbones, I sat up straight placing my elbows on the table before resting my head against my fists.

Calming down took a few minutes, before the faint buzz of chatter spread throughout the lunchroom.

Turning my attention back to the others still at the table, I saw that their faces were flushed a shade of red where they had been laughing, and I’m sure that mine was no different.
Everyone at our table was sort of sat in an unwelcomed silence; one that I decided needed to be broken.

“So, RiRi, practice at your house after school? Mind if we crash?” motioning to Lissa and myself.

“Yeah sure, I mean, Kara’s going to be there anyway, so I’m sure that she would prefer you guys to be there so she isn’t bored out of her brain or whatever”

I opened my mouth to say something back but the shrill ring of the bell interrupted me. I stood, grabbed onto my bag and pushed it onto my shoulder, watching as the others did the same.

I smiled to myself as the four of us made our way out of the lunch room and into the busy hallway, where Melissa and I headed left while Rian and Kara headed straight forward leaving a small goodbye and a smile behind us.

The last two hours of school were a bore but didn’t drag on forever like normal and it didn’t seem like long before the six of us were meeting outside of school, and of course, Alex and Jack, being themselves, had somehow managed to yet again make themselves the centre of attention but retelling their day in the Principles office, yet somehow I don’t believe that cranky Copeland let them get away with their stunt at lunch, let alone giving her a ‘private show’. Their words, not mine.

After waiting for over 10 minutes, the rest of us were getting antsy, so I shoved my way through the crowd surrounding the two hyperactive teenage boys and latched a fist around one of each of their arms and calmly, but sternly said

“Okay. The boys will still be here tomorrow so you can question their little ‘outing’ then, but right now they have band practice which their already late for. So if you want to hear any of their stuff at the next party I suggest you move out of my way. Now.” Shock registered on faces around me before they complied with what I had just said by making way for me to push the boys through.

I marched them towards Alex’s car, not wanting to risk the chance that they would get distracted again.

I felt my phone vibrate inside my pockets so I reached inside to pull it out which is when I noticed that it was a text from Zack. I don’t think anyone would understand the insane feeling I suddenly got inside. The intense fluttering in my stomach and the constant need to smile while feeling as if it was possible to float.

Reading the text I had received just made these feelings intensify.

Hey MJ. Was just wondering where you guys were? Not that this would be the only reason to text you, because you know, you’re you and I love talking to you... and I’m rambling, so I’ll see you at practice? :)

He was the only person that in my life that calls me MJ and I loved it. Micah Joanne Harrison. Eugh. And the way he rambles. Talk about going weak-kneed.

Smiling silently to myself, I quickly text him back to let him know that we’re just on our way before safely tucking my phone back into my pocket and looked up.

It was then that I noticed that not one person had spoken a word since I dragged the boys over to the car. The looks that I was receiving were a mixture of amusement and utter shock.

“What? Have I got something on my face?” I reached up and swiped my hand across my cheeks a few times before letting it drop back to my side.

Melissa was the first to speak, all the while shaking her head with an amazed smile gracing her lips.

“No no. We’re just totally shocked that you pulled off something that awesome without a care in the world and now you’re acting as if nothing happened?”

I simply shrugged and muttered “It was nothing” I cleared my throat and asked “So, are we going or what?” Giving Alex a look, he sighed and unlocked his car enabling me to open the passenger side door and slide into the seat.

Dropping my bag onto the floor just in front of my seat, I sighed and leaned my head back against the chair and closed my eyes for a second. And in that second Zack’s face popped up behind my eyelids. And man, was that the best image that I could ever think of.

The way his black hair swished across his forehead and his eyes crinkled when he smiled or the way his laugh was musical and infectious. The way his hazel eyes were inquisitive but non-judgemental and sparkled when he was happy and full of life, yet when he was sad or angry they went the deepest colour of intensity you can ever imagine. The way his chiselled jaw –

My thoughts were interrupted be someone clearing their throat causing my eyes to snap open and my cheeks to flush a light shade of rose.

“You okay Mimi?” Jacks voice spoke from the backseat.

“Hmm, yeah Jackary, I’m fine, just thinking. Can we just get going?” and with that Alex started the car and made his way to Rian’s house.

All too soon we had arrived and I stepped out of the car leaving my bag in the car and shut the door behind me.

Rian’s car was already in the drive way, which told me that him, Kara and Lissa were already inside, most likely down in the basement.

Looking across the street I noticed Zack’s mums civic parked neatly which brought an instant smile to myself. God, I’m such a goner.

I made my way inside offering a hello to Rian’s mum, Kathy, and made my way down the steps leading to the basement and quickly settled on the beat up sofa placed in the corner directly in front of where the guys played their instruments.

It wasn’t long until the guys set up and began practice. They never cease to amaze me with their musical talents. Alex’s voice is one that sends shivers down your spine as he sings the words he himself has written with so much passion. Jack, who plays the guitar awesomely and he doesn’t even know it, he has so much enthusiasm and character it’s impossible not to smile when in his presence. Rian, he bangs the drums with an unbeatable amount of charisma. And Zack. The stomp he does when he plays is just the most adorable sight you could ever witness. The way he sways his head to the beat of the drum it makes me melt more and more each time I watch him.

Half way through practice I stood and announced that I was going to get a drink, immediately demands were thrown at me causing me to roll my eyes and make a mental note in my head of what everyone wanted.

I made my way into the kitchen smiling at the familiar surroundings and started humming some tune I had heard on the radio the previous day before opening the fridge and looking for bottled drinks. I was in such a daze that I hadn’t heard anyone follow me upstairs until I felt a hand on my back causing me to jump ten foot in the air.

I whipped around placing my hand against my racing heart and opened my mouth to speak but got cut off by the person placing their lips against mine. Softly but vigorously.
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Again, i know this took forever for me to update, but i have, and i would love it if i got some feedback on it :)