Blood on MY dance floor

"Beat me, bash me, you could never TRASH me"

I remembered this like a flashback to an old movie. Things were so different then, everything seemed so distant, so far away, so dark. It seemed as though a fantasy had become reality. It only seemed that way, because it happened to be that way. I had always lived in my head, I imagined all these great things happened to me, but of course I never I though any of them would ever happen. They just couldn’t, but they did.
“The first to the sequence of unreal events was Michael Jackson reviving his career”, I told the interviewer, I didn’t hestitate, I knew the base of all things good came from Michael Jackson. The interviewer gave me an odd look , but I was used to that. Being a Michael Jackson fan never protected you from odd looks. “I never actually thought that MJ would make a comeback, it was really just wishful thinking.” That came out wrong, because I actually did have faith in MJ and I knew he could make a comeback with all his supernatural talents, I just wasn’t sure if society would let him, being as judgemental and conniving as they are. However, being a brand new mini-celeb , I didn’t really want the world to hate me, so I stuck with modified, less-opinionated version of what I really felt. I could just picture myself on one of those VH1 shows “Fucked up things said by celebrities”. And Idolyn Villiotti made the wrong move by saying ‘some people choose to put their faith in God and religion. I however, choose to put my faith in Michael Jackson’ I don’t think Idolyn will ever live that one down. That actually is true, but I’m very careful about who I say that to.
“Can you tell us what was the second event in your sequence of unreal events?”, the reporter asked me.
“Seeing Michael Jackson perform live”, I responded quickly and confidently, “It was amazing, just phenomenal, it was the best moment of my entire life.” I could have kept going on and on about the MJ show, but I decided not to, because I don’t want to be too overexaggerate on the MJ stuff. I’m pretty sure the world has heard enough about him, they certainly don’t need me. I rarely talk about myself during an interview, somehow they all come out to be about Michael Jackson. “I always dreamed about seeing him in concert, but I never thought that I would get a chance to go.”
“And after seeing him, you realized what you wanted to do with your life?”, the reporter asked. I don’t think she had me quite figured out, but then again, no one did. I was an extremely hard person to figure out, there had only been one person to understand me. Michael Jackson, and nobody else.
“Well, actually I knew before, but the concert triggered me to go out and actually make it happen”, I answered. That also wasn’t entirely true, what I had really done, was just for fun, not fame. Of course, fame had always been in the back of my head, but never a reality. If you call posting a video of yourself performing Michael Jackson’s Thriller on you tube ‘going out there and making it happen’, well then there’s defiantly something wrong. But people watched it, and it became more and more popular until I was contacted by a producer named George Patterson asking if I had wanted to actually produce a real , up-dated version of Thriller.
“Of course , I jumped at the chance,” I told the reporter, “it really seemed like a great opportunity, but I while a was making it in my basement , I never actually thought it would appear on MTV. I never even thought that I would be able to learn the whole dance sequence, some of those moves are signature MJ moves that no one else could ever even attempt.”
“Well you seem to manage them quite well”, the reporter said, I wasn’t sure if she was being fake or not, but I decided to just let it go, internveiws aren’t worth it. MJ knows me, and he’s all I really care about, I’ll probolly never see this ignorant lady again.
“Thank you,” I put on my best fake, charming smile, “It’s only because I’ve been blessed with his teachings.”
“Oh”, she seemed a little startled and a little disturbed with made me stifle a smile, “So you two are … close?”
Oh more than you would ever even understand , you ignorant piece of shit! I thought. But instead of saying that I ran a hand through my newly died black newly permed crimped hair and said “Yes, we share a great friendship, actually.” I was so sick of this woman, I just wanted to storm out and work on choreography with MJ, but I was very good at being fake , which belive it or not, is an extremely good skill to have in life, especially being a celebrity.