Blood on MY dance floor

"it ain't too much for me to JAM"

I walked down the busy streets of New York City to the studio. I hated walking, absoltley loathed it. But I was also very cheap, and hated paying for a cab or bus. These damn heeled boots were really hurting my feet too, and the wind was really irritating and kept messing up my hair. The cold air stung my eyes and made my carefully applied make-up start to run. That really pissed me off, it took me forever to get the eyeliner on just the right way. I wanted my eyes to look intense and passionate, but not scary. MJ had taught me this look, I was basically him in female form, which is why we got along so good, because we are basically the same person. Now , I know this sounds really dramatic, but it is absolutely true, and I had known this even before I even encountered MJ. I somehow knew we would make great friends, and I would often express this to my friends and family and they just waved me off telling me I was extremely weird and that was the end of it. As it turns out, MJ is a better friend then any of them will ever be.
I walked to a steady beat , listening to MJ’s ‘They Don’t Care About Us’ on my ipod, that reporter had really pissed me off. I always listen to this song when I’m pissed off, because it makes me feel stronger and that I can stomp all over people who try and walk all over me. I really could kill some folk with these killer heels I’ve got on.
It seems as though it’s been forever, when I reach the studio, and I look at the stairs as if they’re an electric chair.
“So, are ya gonna walk up there stairs or not?”, I cleary recognize the soft , sweet, angelic voice of MJ, and I turned around so relieved to see him. He looked amazing, actually very similair to me, but much better. He sported his crimped black hair in a half ponytail, and a couple unruly whisps hung down in his face, clashing nicely with his ghostly-white skin. His was wearing black pants, white t-shirt , and a red jacket. He usually always wore something along these lines, the both of us didn’t actually know what ‘casual clothes’ wore. We would never be caught dead in jeans , hoodies, or sneakers. No, we always wore dress pants, collared or nice shirts, some sort of jacket, and dress shoes. We both agreed that dressing casual did not lead to success, and looking nice made us feel important, even when we’re not.
“I’ve just walked like a million miles down the streets and these stairs look like death,” I whined. I was very good at whining.
“You know, you really do have the perfect whining voice”, MJ remarked. Everybody tells me I have the perfect whining voice. I really do. “Well, I hope you have energy to dance.”
My mood just brightened like ten notches, No matter how tired I was, I always had the energy to dance. “Of course,” I cheered happily and we both flew up the stairs. The two of us had too much energy for our own good. People hated being in the same room as both of us because we moved constantly and people just couldn’t take it. We were known to blast music all hours of the night and dance, dance, dance non-stop. However, MJ was so good, I was envious of him. I decidied to take up pole dancing, because I knew that was one thing he couldn’t do, nor would he want to do. And, just to clarify, just because I dance on poles does NOT mean I’m a slut. Actually, I’m the farthest thing from a slut. Since I don’t belive in love, I’ve never been in a relationship, and I loathe physical contact. I pretty sure I can say I’m the only 23-year-old in the world who’s never been kissed. But it was only that way because I wanted it that way. There was no way I was going to waste my time with stupid, useless, pathetic emotions of love. It all ends somewhere, you’re just going to get hurt in the end. Some people, like the idea of it, meet their “soul-mate” and are all happy and say they are in love. Well, that’s just great for them. It doesn’t work for me, and it never will, and there isn’t ANYONE that could convince me otherwise.
Our JAM (that’s what MJ and I call it when we practice) session went very well. We were working on a new choreographed dance to ‘Sunset Driver’, a song that MJ had written earlier, before I had even discovered his music. It was still a very good song, but it was so good we decided to modernize a little bit. In the performance, I play the girl who is living life on the fast track, while he plays himself, the narrator, telling me that my decisions are harmful. Both MJ and I are very theatrical. We love characters and movements and costumes. So, this being, most of our songs end up coming out like plays. However, we decied to stay away from 15-music videos like Thriller. Not that Thriller wasn;t one of the best videos ever made, we just didn’t have the patience to add in all the extra acting, it got really boring. We were all about the dancing, mainly.
Sunset Driver was a very energetic song that required lots of quick movements, so the sequence was pretty challenging to make up. MJ was such a great choreographer , it made me jealous. And the way he moved, he moved with such ease, it was mesmerizing to watch his slender body maneuver itself across the dance floor. With me, it took all the blood , sweat , and tears I had to be successful on the dance floor. This is why MJ was my mentor and I was his student, I would be nothing without him, literally nothing. Before I met him, I had no future, he brought me everything and he would be there till the end. I knew it.