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My Heart's Always With You Now

You Make Me Sick

"Megan! Come grab the guitars!" My brother Matt yells to me.

I roll my eyes and walk over to the u-haul where Matt and Jason load up all of Avenged Sevenfold's gear. "You really can't lift this yourself?" I laugh and roll my eyes as I grab the guitars and set them down in the truck.

Jason rolls his eyes as well. "We're behind schedule."

"Well if you guys weren't sitting on your asses or outside smoking we would have all of this stuff packed away," a voice says walking into the back room. I turn and see Zacky with a water in his hand and a towel around his neck. "Megan's the only one doing work around here."

I smirk triumphantly and put my hands on my hips. "HA!" I stick my tongue out at my brothers.

Zacky laughs. "Hey, are you going to head back home or are you staying with us for our last show?" He asks me as he takes a seat on an amp, only to get pushed off by Jason who loads it up.

I shrug my shoulders. "I might stay. Plus our end of the tour parties are always fucking awesome." I laugh.

He nods with a smile. "This is true. Well we're going to go to a bar around the corner in a few. Wanna come?"

"Of course. I'll never pass up a drink." I smirk and walk with Zacky back to the green room where four guys are sitting around, counting bra's and underwear that were thrown on stage.

"I definitely got more than you." Johnny smirks and flings a thong at Brian.

"Yeah fucking right! I got about fifteen!"

"Eighteen," Zacky says with a smirk and points to the pile by the door.

"Oh fuck you." Brian crosses his arms and turns to his cell phone.

I sit down on Jimmy's lap and look around at the guys. "Please don't turn into that loser from All Time Low who collects them on his mic stand."

"Please." Zacky smirks and leans against the door. "We do better than that."

"Fuck yeah we do!" Jimmy laughs and takes off the tie he was wearing.

I look at him and laugh. "Put a shirt on, dork." I get up from his lap and he grabs a t-shirt.

"It gets hot up there!" He frowns.

"Lets go." Zacky laughs and walks out of the room with me after changing.

It isn't weird being around Zacky after all of these years. We met in middle school and have been best friends ever since. We tried dating in high school and were pretty successful until he suddenly broke it off graduation night. It doesn't feel any different around him anymore. It was awkward for a while but now that we're all on the road and having the time of our lives, we don't even think about it.

Zack's my best friend. Even though is can be so fucking stupid sometimes.

But that's why I love him.

"I'm so fucking exhausted." Zacky groans and lays down on the couch on the bus.

I laugh and put his head in my lap. "Well the tour is over tomorrow so you can go home and relax." I play with his hair.

He looks up at me with a smile. "You know I still have an extra bedroom. You can always stay with me."

I shake my head with a small laugh. "I'll be fine. The apartment isn't as shitty as the last one." That was sort of a lie. The apartment I am moving into when we get back is pretty much a one room. You walk in and see everything except the bathroom. I don't mind it all that much.

Zacky always has my back. Whenever I'm in a rut he offers to let me stay with him for a while or offers to pay for things I can't afford. He's such a great guy.

Zacky shrugs his shoulders. "At least think about it."

"Okay. I will. You should probably go to bed. It's two and you have to get up at ten for sound check. We all know you won't get up until five minutes before hand." I laugh and hit him playfully.

Zacky groans and sits up. "I don't want to."

I roll my eyes. "Come on, you drunken idiot." I put his arm around my shoulders and walk with him back to his bunk. He isn't drunk enough to the point that it impairs his ability to move, but he is drunk enough to put up a fight about going to bed.

Zacky loves to party. Way too much.

After he gets situated in his bunk he looks at me with a goofy grin. "You know, it's a damn good thing you look nothing like your brothers."

I roll my eyes. "Go to bed, Zacky." I flick his nose and close the curtain with a laugh.

Why is it that he is the only guy who is ridiculously adorable when he is intoxicated? He isn't a mean drunk like Johnny. I know, I was shocked finding that out as well. He isn't a sexual drunk like Brian. I've had to slap him a few times as his hands wander my body. Matt is just a goofy drunk who stumbles around and shouts, Jimmy is a quiet drunk, and my brothers think they are stuntmen.

Zacky is just adorable. He'll wear sunglasses at night in doors when he's drunk because he doesn't want anyone to see his eyes. He'll put the blankets over his head when he lays down, and he will just look at you and pout.

Why is he is fucking cute?
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