Status: slowly active

Misfit In Hollywood

Twenty Questions: Juliette's Turn

We were just about to finish touching-up the last couple of lines of the song when my phone started to ring. Nick started laughing at the ring tone, and I knew it was Justin.
** Bo-bo-bo-boys Bo-boys
Bo-bo-bo-boys Bo-boys
I hate em.

I hate boys, but boys love me.
I think they suck and my friends agree.
I hate boys, but boys love me.
Eh yeah, eh yeah, eh yeah,
I. Hate. Boys.

If you hate em boys, shake it.
If you hate em boys, shake it. **

"Fuck, it's the little devil calling me again," I muttered under my breath, searching for my phone. I finally found it in the Lucky Brand bag that I had thrown across the room.
Yes, Justin, it's Juliette.
No, I'm not at home.
What? You're seriously with you're mother at my fucking house?!
I'm probably not going to be home for like an hour or two.
Yes, I'm writing and recording a new song with Nick Jonas.
Yes, THE Nick Jonas.
No, you cannot come and harass him for hanging out with your girl, and by the way NEVER EVER call me your girl again.
I have to get some work done Justin.
Yes, I'll call you when I'm done.
Yeah whatever, bye.
Sure, love you too.
I'm going to hang up now if you don't just shut up and say goodbye to me.
Don't you dare look in my closet little boy, or I will kick your ass.
Hah, sure. I could beat you up any day.
Yeah, whatever. I'm hanging up now."

Justin yelled at me as I hung up the phone, saying that I had insulted his dignity. I just laughed and pressed the end button on my iPhone. I smiled guiltily at Nick, and he just stared at me, shocked.
"You're dating Justin Bieber?"

"Yup," I sighed. People always reacted this way. You would think that the stars would check the tabloids before they met a person to see what they did and whom they were dating. I would have, if stinking Bree would have given me his name. "It's all over the tabloids. We're currently the "it" teenage couple, even though I'm like three inches taller than him."

Nick looked at the music he was writing. "So…how old are you anyway? You act mature, but you look around sixteen."

I laughed. "Yes, I have been told that I act mature for my age." NOT. "I turn seventeen on September 17th, only a month and a half away!"

Nick looked up, "Really? My birthday is the 16th, and I'm turning eighteen. We should totally have a joint birthday party!"

I started laughing hysterically. "Not to sound rude, Jonas, but you sounded exactly like a girl just then, minus the screechy voice part."

He started laughing, and scratched his head. I could tell that was his nervous habit. "Yeah, I guess that was kind of girly…but I've never met a celebrity with almost the same birthday as me. It's super cool! You want to at least hang out?"

"Well…." The thing was I had plans with Justin, but who knows if we would still be together then. I was praying to God that we wouldn't be. I did love him slightly, but more like a little brother, and this whole romance thing had been going way to far. "Sure. I would love to hang out with you. Bree and I were probably just going to do something lame like shopping, so hanging out with you would be much more eventful."

"Cool." He smiled at me then looked at the music for a second. Then he turned back to me. "Since the song is done and you don't have to be with Bieber-boy for another hour or two, you want to play twenty questions?"

I looked at the ground. This is what I was afraid of. I didn't want him to know everything about me. He already knew that I was bipolar, my parents died, and I was dating Bieber; but if he got any deeper things might start turning ugly.

"It's okay if you don't want to play…" Nick said in a disappointed voice.

That killed me right there. "No, it's fine. I'll play. You can ask me first, if you want."

"Okay, cool." Nick leaned back in the chair he was sitting in and stared at the ceiling, thinking. Then his eyes lit up. "I know that you're parents are dead, but do you have any other siblings."

"That's a total easy question, Jonas. You could have found it out by googling me. Are you sure you want to waste a question on that?"

"Google doesn't always give the right answer," Nick said back to me simply.

"Fine, your choice," I said rolling my eyes. "I have an older brother who's twenty-four. His name is Noah. At the moment he's in art school, but he graduates this Christmas. He was the one that took care of me and Bree when our parents died."

"Thanks for saving me some questions, Ju," Nick joked, and I glared at him. Somehow Nick Jonas made me spill more than I intended to every time I talked to him. "So…next question. Where are you from?"

"I'm originally from Hawaii, but I moved to Cali when my parents died so I could live with Noah and Bree. I was twelve when they died."

"You really have a hard time keeping your mouth shut, Ju," Nick said, smirking at me.

"Shut up and ask the next question Jonas."

He put his hands up, "Okay, okay. I'm on it." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, and pretended to stroke his fake beard while I glared at him. "Favorite color?"

"I don't have one. I love all vibrant colors because when I look at them I see the beauty that God has given us on this world, and it makes me happy."

"So you're Christian?" Nick asked happily.

"Yup," I nodded, winking at him. "Now we can get married," I whispered. He blushed a bright red and I laughed at his reaction. "Next question, please."

"This is going to sound awkward…but are you a virgin?" He asked, his face turning from bright red to flaming red.

"That is my personal business, Jonas," I said, slightly shocked and slightly pissed off he would ask me that. Who the hell did he think he was?

"So you're not a virgin." He stated, raising his eyebrows at me. His face had started to turn back to its normal color.

I sighed. "If you really want to know, I am a virgin." I said softly, looking down at my feet so I wouldn't have to see Nick's reaction. "But please don't make fun of me for it. A lot of people I know have made fun of me because I have chosen to wait for the right person, and hopefully until marriage."

I stared at my feet, waiting for him to say something, when all of a sudden I saw a pair of brown dressy shoes right in front of my own black sandals. I looked up to see Nick staring down at me. He slowly kneeled and looked me in the eyes.
"Don't ever let anyone make fun of you for something you believe in," he said seriously, and then he smiled a full-toothed smile. "Believe it or not, I'm sexy and still a virgin, and I'm waiting until I marry the perfect woman to lose my virginity. I think it's great that your waiting, and more girls should be more aware of their bodies like you are."

I smiled shyly at him and he winked back at me. I quickly snapped out of it and went back to my normal self. "So…you have fifteen questions left, Jonas. Make them count."

He smiled at me and went back to his seat. He took of the coat of his tux and sat down in his dress shirt and tux pants. "If you're not going to be all formal, I'm not going to wear this stupid coat."

I laughed. "Do whatever you want. I really don’t care."

"So you wouldn't care if I took my shirt off?" He said smirking at me.

I stared at him in shock. "That would be…a little awkward." I said blushing.

"Then I won't take it off." He said smiling at me.

He was being so considerate…wait. Snap out of it Juliette. He's just another celebrity who either wants your fame or wants to get in your pants. I shook my head and looked up to see Nick's concerned face.
"Did you not hear my question, Ju?" he asked. "Or are you shaking your head because you don't want to answer it?"

"No, I just zoned out for a second, sorry." This boy was making me do weird things. "What was your question again?"

"I was wondering who your first love was?"

"You just keep coming up with the deepest questions, Jonas." I glared at him. "I've never fallen in love before, and I don't really think it exists."

"And why is that?" Nick said, slightly shocked at my statement.

"You only have twelve more questions Jonas. Do you really want to waste one asking about my philosophies of life?" I asked him suspiciously.

"I can't be your friend if I don't know how you think," he said. I stared at him in shock. I just met he boy and now he wants to be my friend. Weird. "And personally, nothing you think is ever a waste of time."

"Okay. Well, I guess now I'm going to have to tell you my whole parents story." I started putting up the walls so I wouldn’t cry while I told him. "My mother and father met at a night club, and my mother was a stripper there. She 'fell in love' with him, and had sex with him for free, without protection. She got pregnant at sixteen and that's how my brother, Noah was born. They got married when Noah was one and my mother was seventeen, and they fought over everything. Noah remembers my dad coming home drunk everyday, and beating him and my mother senseless. It was awful; Noah still has scars.
Then, when Noah was five my mom became pregnant again, this time with Bree. Bree was born premature by c-section, at only seven months, because my father had beaten my mother so bad that if Bree hadn't been surgically removed, she would have died from the internal bleeding from the beating. Things only got worse from there. My father was kind of a 'drug lord,' and my mother was his pimp. He would force her to have sex with him every night. By then, my mother had begun to hate my father. He even tried to make Bree have sex with him, but my mother hit him over the head with a pot before he could try. After that he never touched Bree again.
When Bree was three and Noah was eight I was conceived and then born. I was the luckiest of the children. By that time my father rarely ever came home anymore, and when he did he was so drunk or high that he would just fall to the ground and sleep for hours. I only got beaten a couple dozen times, nothing like the hundreds of times that my sister and brother had gotten beaten.
When I was five I went to school and found out that not everybody had it as bad as I did at home, and I became extremely jealous of everyone at school. Bree was the only one out of the three of us that really had any friends; Noah and I were far too messed up from our family life to make friends with the kids at school. People were afraid of us because we would come to school with bruises all over our bodies, and of course I was slightly bi-polar as well. Bree tried to use cover-up on our bruises, but it never really worked. We all still have scars somewhere on our bodies from one of our dad's tantrums. He was one of the worst men I have ever known.
When Noah turned fourteen and went to high school one of his art teachers realized his talent, and that became Noah's life. It was the only thing that kept him going, besides Bree and I, and it helped him to express his feelings. Bree had her friends, so she didn't need an outlet, but I was a pretty messed-up kid until I made it into third grade and started choir. Singing was the one thing that felt right in my life, and so sing I did. I don't mean to sound cocky or anything, but I was probably one of the best singers in the school, and I sang solos for everything. When I was ten I started to right music, and I taught myself how to play the guitar and the piano with the school's instruments. It was the only thing that I had that my parents couldn't take away from me. I pretty much failed all of my other classes, because our parents didn't have the money or the care to buy us supplies. We had to go and steal money from my dad's secret stash to buy clothes. One time he found Noah stealing money for some school art project, and he beat the shit out of him. Noah couldn't go to school for a week. It was awful.
My parents died on New Years. They were both extremely drunk, and my dad was starting to beat up on all of us because of the alcohol. Even though my mother was drunk she realized where things were heading, and she sent Bree and I out to the park for the night (Noah was in Community College by then) and took the beating for herself. Bree and I came back the next morning and found both of them dead. My mother was dead from blood loss, and my dad was dead from a knife in the back. The doctor's think that my father had beaten my mother until she was unconscious, and when she was just about to die she woke up and knifed him in the back. The image of where I found my parents that morning is forever burned into my memory, and I will never be able to get it out. It's one of the things I have to live with, just like the fact that none of my other family members wanted me because they though Bree and I were deadbeats, when really the deadbeats were just my parents. As you can see, Bree and I work very hard for our living, and now that we're all famous my family wants custody of us. Luckily for me I have a very good lawyer, and they will NEVER get custody of me, ever.
I did love my parents, even though they were jerks. They are the reason I am alive and singing today. They gave me the greatest gift someone can give a person; they gave me life."

By this time my walls had broken down and I was curled into a ball and crying. Somehow in my life's story Nick had found his way from his seat to my seat, and he was rubbing circles around my back and trying to comfort me. When I felt the position we were in and the tingles that were running up my spine from his hand I instantly straightened and dabbed my face with a tissue. "So, I think that story pretty much took up all of your twenty questions, Jonas."

"Aw, come on Ju," he whined. He had made his way back to his chair and was lazily leaning back it in again, acting like nothing had just happened. I loved how he treated me like a normal person even after he heard all of the crap I had been through, and it gave me hope that we could actually be friends. "You should think about writing a song about that last line, Ju." He was suddenly serious. "You could make a hit from that line: ' They gave me the greatest gift someone can give a person; they gave me life.'" He smiled at me thoughtfully and I looked back at him shocked. This boy was full of the most terrifyingly amazing, weird ideas, and I was beginning to love him for it. "Now I think I have at least ten more questions."

I groaned. "Fine. But they can't be super deep or personal, deal?"

"Deal. We'll keep it simple. Favorite movie?" Nick asked.

"I love all of the old Disney movies, including Hercules," I said smiling. Nick laughed. "But I also love The Proposal, Inception, The Island, Rush Hour 1, 2, and 3, 7 pounds, I am Sam, 51st Dates, 27 Dresses, She's The Man. Slumdog Millionare and Braveheart. Just to name a few," I said smiling at him. He looked quite shocked.

"Wow," he said, shaking his head. "And I pegged you as either a chick flick girl or a Disney girl. You like a lot of different movies."

"Yup," I smiled at him. "Next question Jonas."

"Hmm. Favorite song?"

"I don't have one. Music is my life, so how could I have a favorite song, smarty?" I said, teasing him.

"I have a favorite song," he said, faking to be hurt.

"And what would that be, Mr. Jonas?" I asked, trying to get him to answer a question before his turn.

"You'll just have to wait for my turn of twenty questions," he said slyly, smirking at me. "What's your favorite food?"

I jumped up and stood in my chair, starting to jump up and down. Nick was making me hyper. "OMG! I JUST LOVE FOOD! I don't care what kind as long as it's not spicy or full of vegetables. I can eat more than most people, and lots of people think I'm fat because of how much I eat, but I only weigh like 110 pounds, which isn't that much for my height."

Nick looked at me jumping in my chair and yelling and burst into laughter. "At least I won't have to worry about what to feed you on our birthday."

I stopped jumping and put my hands on my hips and looked at hum menacingly. "If you make the cake vanilla, Jonas, I swear I will kill you. I LOVE CHOCOLATE!!"

Nick laughed even harder. "Don't worry, Jay-jay, I'll make it chocolate for you."

I sat back down in my chair and sighed. "Sorry for the little spazz attack. I didn't have breakfast, so I'm kind of hyper about food right now. Hey, you want to go grab something to eat while you ask me the last of my questions and I ask you yours?"

"Sure, just let me get my sunglasses from my car, and we can walk to the nearest restaurant." Nick said, standing up.

"Okay, I'll wait for you in my office."

I stood up and grabbed my purse, and Nick walked out the door to the parking lot. I sat down in my swivelly chair and spun in circles as I waited for Nick to come back in so we could go to the restaurant. Being with Nick was making me into a whole new person. I was hyper, and I was actually having fun instead of being a total drag like I was with Justin.

I was getting dizzy, and was just about to stop my chair when someone grabbed my chair and stopped it. I slowly turned the chair so I was facing the person and gasped in surprise…
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I left it as a cliffhanger, but I just couldn't find a way to end it and this seemed like the best way. It's super long because I probably won't be updating for a while. Just to let everyone know, I do not hate Justin Bieber. I don't love him as much as the Jonas Brothers, but he's pretty good. He just was the only other male celebrity her age that she could date, even though she is a little older than him. Noah, Juliette's brother, is twenty-four, not twenty-two. I kind of suck at math so I messed that one up, so I'm just clearing it up for everyone.
Her ring tone song is I Hate Boys by Christina Aguilera.

Hope you like it!