Status: One Shot :)

Teenage Kicks

Teenage Kicks Right Through The Night!

As the sixteen year old Josh Ramsey ran through the cold Canadian streets of Vancouver, rushing to meet his friend Matt Webb, he brushed his blue and black bangs out of his eyes with one slick move of his right hand, his beaten old black converse's laces slapping against the concrete of the grey sidewalk beneath him. His chest was heaving and his lungs burning, the park where Josh was meeting Matt was fifteen blocks away from his house, and he’d had to sneak out.

Josh had climbed down his gutter that clung contentedly to his bedroom wall; luckily his bedroom had a small balcony that was easy for Josh to climb down from, which he had done many times before to meet Matt and his other band mates. He reached the park grinning, his chest still heaving and his lungs felt like they were on fire, but Josh didn't care much because his mind was more focused on the light silhouette he could make out. Sitting on the swings, an acoustic guitar hung around his shoulder, his gaze focused on his own converse scuffing the dirty ground below, causing a dark cloud of dust to gather above them.

"Matt!" Josh exclaimed, regaining his breath.

"Josh, is that you?" Matt asked excitedly into the darkness, Josh could hear the smile in his voice.

Matt ran toward his friend, who idly stood in the darkness, squinting to see his friend, he wrapped his arms around Josh, giving him a 'bro-hug', as the two boys called it. Josh pulled away and began to drag Matt to the soccer grass part of the park so they could lie down and look at the meteors together. Josh had thought this was a little...queer, that his best friend was asking him to come watch the meteor shower with just himself...alone. Not that it bothered Josh; he'd just roll with it.

The two boys lay side to side on the large grass area, there was no noise or conversation between the two boys, and they pulled their hoodies closer to their bodies and buried their heads deep into the collars. Josh gasped as bright lines of curved light began to fall gracefully from the sky above. Josh screwed his eyes shut, wishing for something to happen between Matt and himself, Matt grabbed his hand lovingly as he fluttered his eyes shut, wishing the same thing for himself and Josh.

More and more balls of gas came gracefully falling to earth, the two boys still silent, they hadn't known what to say. As the sky was painted into a mixture of purple and dark blue, it was simply breathtaking. Josh rubbed his thumb up and down Matt's, in a comforting and loving manner, Matt experienced the most intense butterflies he had ever had; he knew he had to tell Josh the truth soon. Matt sat up bolt right looking down at Josh with confusion in his eyes; he lowered his face to Josh's and pressed his soft lips to his.
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WELL. What cha think? :)