Status: Active

The Sun in Her Eyes

Some Fun

I was reading through this years defense against the dark arts book. "Defensive Magical Theory, By Wilbert Slinkhard" It really was just theory, but it wasn't even right. I ended up getting frustrated with the book and tossing it my opened purse. I took the elastic that was on my wrist and tied my long, jet black, straight hair in a sloppy ponytail. I was about to lie back and take a nap when the young boy who I had seen earlier at Kings Cross run past, crying. Then I heard laughter that was oh too familiar. Sure enough Malfoy, and his cronies, Crabbe and Goyle came strutting over. They opened the compartment door and slid in, well Malfoy did, Crabbe and Goyle kind should I say? Squeezed in.

"Did you see the look on his scared little face." Malfoy snickered to the two ogres.

I crossed my arms distastefully. "Oh, Malfoy, tell me you didn't."

"I didn't." He sat down at the bottom of my feet.

"Now, say it without lying to me." I gave him a pleading look. Hoping that he wouldn't have actually stooped so low as to make a first year cry.

"Ooo, yeah I can't." He smirked while Crabbe and Gayle laughed.

Oh, that was it. "DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!" I screeched. Crabbe and Goyle both stumbled over each other to get out of the compartment as people in the hall had stopped out of shock. "HOW DARE YOU!"

Malfoy winced at the noise. "Stop screaming Meagher."


"Fine, I'm sorry will you accept my apology?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"NO!" I actually might have if he had been sincere about it.

He turned his head and looked me straight in the eyes. "I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?"

I still knew he wasn't really sorry. But I swear those small moon like orbs he calls eyes could hypnotize you.

I fumed on the inside. Then moved my leg forward to kick him hard "Now I forgive you."

"OW!" He yelled. I forgot that my shoes had a small heel on them. He shot his head up and his eyes darted quickly to mine. Only they weren't the same soft orbs they where before. They where cold, sharp, and hard. I'm not brave so it doesn't take much, but they scared me. Every time I saw him give someone that look, it made me scared that he would do something he might regret. And the few times he gave me that look, it petrified me to the bone. I knew he never would, but it always gave me the feeling he going to hurt me somehow.

He must have noticed the way my body had tensed up a little and my eyes went scared. He loosened his posture and softened his gaze. "Sorry" This time he was, I knew he was. Not for scaring the boy, but for scaring me. I'd told him how I felt about that look before. He said he would never hurt me. He promised he would never want me to feel frightened by him.

I nodded slowly and took my feet of the seat. I leaned my head on the window. I could feel the condensation forming around the part of my forehead that was touching the chilled glass from the cool autumn air. I watched as the almost naked trees as the flew by. I yawned recollecting that I was about to take a nap before. My eyes started to feel heavy. I felt someone pull on my arm lightly. Malfoy pulled me down so my head lay on his lap. He brushed the hair out of my face as I closed my eyes, but found that I couldn't actually get to sleep. I opened them again, staring strait up at the ceiling. I found myself thinking of a thought a repeatedly thought about."Why do you think I was put in Slytherin?"

"Really? We've been through this hundreds of times!" Malfoy said

"I know, but it keeps coming back to me." It's true, we'd gone over this plenty of times before, but I was never comfortable with the answers.

"You're cunning, intelligent, being a pure-blood helps, and you always want to succeed, that could be considered as power hungry." The usual routine, he always says exactly that. "Why do you care anyways, you know you like it here. You've got friends."

Just then someone burst through the door. "HELLO ALL! I AM HERE! THE FUN MAY NOW COMMENCE!"

I jumped off of Malfoy and hugged my friend Skylar Feit. I loved Skylar, mostly because she was different. Different from every one, and extremely different from the rest of the Slytherin. She was so loose. She didn't care about anything, except friends and family. She was careless. Very reckless. I kind of took it as my duty to take care of her and make sure she didn't do anything that she would seriously regret later in life. I always said I would protect her, but really, I did no such thing. Honestly, she can get out of control, but nothing too serious. No matter how hard she seems, she has a big heart, and is always there for me when I need her.

"Sinead Meagher, how dare you not owl me even once all summer break. For all I know you could've died!" She paused and smiled "I'm happy to see you Shea, but I see I'm interrupting something, so I think I'll go sit with those little Ravenclaw second years now."

"What could you possibly be interrupting?" I asked oblivious.

She raised her eyebrow and motioned her head toward Malfoy.

I rolled my eyes. "Sit." I sat beside Malfoy again as Skylar sat opposite to me.

"So, Shea. What could have possibly been SO important that you couldn't take the time to owl me?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I kind of just, shielded myself from reality for a while. You know, escaped from society. I don't know why, it seemed like there was too much drama coming about in the world. I needed to escape the world. I needed to get a good dose of life and nature before that all started crashing down. Especially with all this talk of You-Know-Who being back."

At the mention of You-Know-Who I saw Malfoy stiffen. If anyone at school knew anything about this it would be him. If I built of the nerve, I might eventually ask him, but I knew it wouldn't exactly please him.

"That. Is the most ridiculous thing I have every heard." Skylar finally spoke after just staring at me with just a blank stare. And a slight face of dishonour. "So what did you do? Sit in your house all day."

"No, I mostly walked around town. Or read in the garden. the most part of it was actually out doors." I explained.

"Wow, you are boring. We'll catch up at school." She got up, fixed her skirt and strutted off out the door.

"How are you too friends? Your nothing a like." Malfoy asked as soon as she was out of sight.

"Neither are we, how are we friends." He gave no response to that. I smiled in achievement. "So, who's the other prefect?"

"Ugh!" He groaned loudly and threw his head back in dramatization. He turned his nose up and uttered the name. "Parkinson."

In third year him and Pansy Parkinson had kind of a sort of thing, then last year out of lack of choice he went with her to the Yule Ball with her. Although he was never actually that fond of her. I don't think anyone was really. Except for Millicent Bulstrode and Daphne Greengrass who practically worship at her feet. Parkinson hasn't exactly gotten over the fact that Malfoys feeling towards her aren't exactly mutual. She's also quite vexatious and rather rude. She always makes fun of others looks, as if she's the only beauty, though I don't want to be mean, she shouldn't be talking.

"So how did you escape this time." I asked him as I settled back down to my old position with my head on Malfoys lap.

"I told her I was going to the loo." He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.

"Your tired, what did they say at the prefects meeting?" He was never tired at this time of the day.

"I'm not tired actually, spending a short thirty minutes with Parkinson and she's already got me stressed out." He opened his eyes and watched me as a laughed. "That meeting was fairly boring. The seventh year prefects just told us that we're aloud to take points and we're supposed to enforce the rules and look out for the younger students."

"Wow sounds like work, I'm glad they didn't pick me." I was a hard worker, but that didn't mean it was something that I particularly enjoyed.

"It would be less annoying if you were there instead of Parkinson staring at me the whole time." He rearranged himself. "Aren't you bored, how can you just lie here? I mean, you've been at home all summer, aren't you ready to go free and have some excitement?"

"I highly doubt your form of excitement would amuse me. Besides why are you so anxious to get out?"

"You should know." His face went slightly blank.

I sat up and moved so I was sitting on his lap. I looked into his eyes, but they were far away, he was thinking hard on something. I moved my hand to his cheek and moved his face so he would look me in the eye. "Draco," we where on a first name basis, just rarely used them, I don't know why though. I think it's something we should really fix. "Draco, what's wrong."

"Nothing, it's just kind of tense at the moment." He looked at me reassuringly. "You said you wouldn't like my idea of excitement, let's see about that."

We stood up and made our way out of the compartment and started strolling the halls. We found Crabbe and Goyle picking on a couple of third years. We walked around, that's all. Seriously? This was supposed to be exciting. Finally we came to a stop in front of a compartment. Draco smirked, then slid the metal door opened. I stood behind and looked threw the glass to see Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and a blond fifth year.

"What?" Potter said aggressively before Draco could even open his mouth.

"Manners, Potter, or I'll have to give you a detention," Drawled Draco. "You see, I unlike, have been made a prefect, which means that I, unlike you, have the power to hand out punishments."

"Yeah," Said Potter, "but you, unlike me, are a git, so get out and leave us alone."

I snickered slightly, but not enough for anyone to hear me. It was mostly covered by those in the compartment. Draco's lip curled.

"Tell me, how does it feel being second-best to Weasley, Potter?" he asked.

"Shut up, Malfoy," said Granger sharply.

"I seem to have touched a nerve," said Draco, smirking out of satisfaction. "Well, just watch yourself, Potter, because I'll be dogging your footsteps in case you step out of line." He put an emphasis on the word 'dogging'.

"Get out!" said Granger standing up.

Sniggering, Draco gave Potter a last malicious look and departed with Crabbe and Goyle lumbering along his wake. I stayed far enough behind to give Granger an apologetic look before she slammed the door. I had to push my way past the cronies to reach Draco. I grabbed his arm and he spun around gently with an eyebrow raised.

"That's your idea of fun?" I questioned

"Not exactly, but yeah." He smirked.

"That's horrible." I gave him a disappointed look.

"Fine go back to the compartment, I'll see you later." He stalked off.

I made my way back to the compartment, took off my denim jacket and used it as a pillow as I lay down to get that nap I was looking for a while ago. Hoping that when I awoke it would've arrived to our destination.
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Ok, so it's taken me a long time to update I know, but I wrote this, but it got deleted before I posted and I didn't have a back up.