Short Stories

Halloween; 7 Finished (: [6/14 Total]
Christmas; December's Special Delivery ;D [0/8 Total]
New Years; Not till January (: [0/9 Total]
& Valentine's Day; Not till February (: [0/8 Total]
Hope you like them! :3

©Copyrighted to Alaynia. All rights reserved.
  1. The Perfect Ending
    Alaynia and Markus have been best friends since she can remember. But will this come between them...?
  2. Never Forget Us
    Four best friends are having a sleep over and decide to bring out the Ouija board, but what the hell happened?
  3. How Did This Happen?
    Valyrie knows. Damien just found out. This couple is just perfect. Maybe.
  4. She Is Remembered (Cont. of Never Forget Us)
    Remember Alysa? Well she remembered her. One of her best friends; Kassie. How about a little more fact or faked, a little less trick or treat?
  5. Unbelievable
    Dhamphys are all unique in their own ways, but what if they had a little more spice to them...?
  6. Wonder Of The Sea
    Some people wonder what happened to Kristyna Smith, most think she died that night; Missy changed her ways after all the guilt that hit her. But for Kris, she's happy it happened. (Similar to "H20: Just Add Water" without some parts).