I'm Feeling Things Are About to Change

They Aren’t Horrible

I got Danni out of the car and held my sleeping girl up against my chest. One year olds really need their naps! As I walked inside Josh was just coming down the stairs and I saw his hair was kind of wet, telling me that he had just gotten out of the shower which also told me he just got in from riding.

He gave me a sweet kiss before taking Danni from me then carrying her up to her room and putting her down for a nap. I went grocery shopping and the second we were done and I put her in the car she was out like a light.

“How was your day?” I asked Josh once we were in the kitchen, putting all the groceries away.

“The first half was good, the second half…not as much,” He said.

“What happened?” I prodded.

“Well I got to ride this morning so that always makes me happy. The second half I just had to have a meeting with all the factory guys and I just don’t like factory teams,” Josh sighed while running a hand through his gelled hair.

“Why don’t you like factory teams?”

“They’re aren’t horrible but…on more privatized teams you have better relationships with people and are closer. They can help you more and like, for example, when you win they’d all be super stoked because they’ve put in so much too and it’s their win as well. Factory teams are just….less personal and more like a business,” Josh confided in me.

“Aw baby,” I cooed, walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his hunky middle. “I’ll always be there, jumping up and down and being all excited when you win.”

“Well that’s ‘cause you’re my adorable wifey,” He cutely said while kissing my neck. “And you’re just always excited. But I just like the more personal relationships and stuff.”

“I know Joshie,” I empathized with him, as I held him tighter and his arms came around me.

“I’m sorry I’m complaining to you,” I apologized.

“You’re not complaining, you’re venting,” I stated. “And besides, I like to hear what you’re feeling.”

“I love you,” He cooed.

“I love you too Joshie,” I replied before we shared a sweet kiss.

“Kylee and Luke are getting back from their honeymoon tonight,” I smiled once we parted.

“And…” Josh went on with the most adorable confused look on his face. It was so cute, I just had to kiss him before I explained.

“We should go decorate their house!” I squealed.

“Why would we do that?” He chuckled.

“I don’t know, it’s just be fun!” I giggled.

Soon, Josh gave in and got Danni as I got all the decorations. As we were driving there I told him to park a little ways away so they wouldn’t see our car the second we drove in.

For the next few hours we covered their entire first floor in balloons, streamers, and pictures I had taken over the time they were dating. I did most of the decorating, Josh was just being cute with Danni. She’s been trying to walk so Josh was just helping her, it was so cute. Danni would try walking to him babbling da da da da the entire way then usually ended up falling in his arms then Josh would cover her with kisses, like I said it was so adorable. But then again, they are the two cutest people on the face of the earth so….

“Kirstie, they’ll be here any minute,” Josh told me as he helped me down off of a chair.

“Okay I have one last thing,” I replied before hurrying upstairs.

I had a little present for Kylee that I knew she’s just absolutely love! I let out a giggle before sticking it under her pillow but left one corner sticking out so she would notice it.

”Kirstie, they’re here!” Josh called up to me.

”Ma ma!” I heard Danni squeal, that made me smile.

I ran back down the stairs and gave my two Grants a kiss before waiting for two of my best friends to come walking through that door…..They better not be making out!
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Kylee i did watch that one video you sent me and i've told you before, i'll give him the accent but then you look at his face and plastic abs and i'm like... no...just no. haha
i know our guy conversations carry over into everything lol