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I Miss All Time Low Already

After The Concert

The concert went just about an hour or so. When the concert was ended I was like.. "omfg.. what was that? Am I in heaven or what? But if so, I want I never wake up! Shit! It was real! I want moreee! It wasn't enough for meee! dammit!"

I was exhausted and confused and sad and excited and I felt like... I had a hole in my heart. I don't fucking know why I was like that. First of all, maybe I was really sad that the concert was over. Second, maybe I was sad because I can't meet ATL to ask the autograph. But I felt like there's the main reason why I was felt like shit. There's the biggest reason. But I didn't have any idea what was it.

But I pushed away those feelings for some minutes because I need to back to real life.

My cousin said to me that she wants to take a pic with ATL big poster in behind. And I was like.. "heck yea baby! I was thought the same!" I said with my huge grin.

Then we took some pics. After that, I heard a guy who said to his friends that he was satisfied with the concert. I thought, really dude? Maybe it was but why I don't feel the same? It was still not enough dudee!

Okay, I felt like shit again but I pushed it away. Again.

We went out to picked my bag up. But when I was in the door, I heard the promoter crew said to us; the crowd, that the meet and greet time was then! CRAP CRAP CRAP. WHY YOU HAVE TO SAID THAT IN FRONT OF ME DUDEE?!

I was near in tears. Really. I really want to had a chance to meet All Time Low, but I didn't have the chance! FML fo sho.

Then I was just went straight to the counter to picked my bag up. I was mad. But not really. Just mad. So, when I reached my bag, I was about to went out but the promoter said to me that I have to out from the different door. Then I was like... WTF? My cousin was in the front door dude! Then I was followed their govern. I was out from the back door. So I had to walked around to meet my cousin up in the front door. I was a little bit scared but I had to pushed that feeling. No longer, I was reached the front door but I can't find my cousin. Damn. The other shit? She didn't bring her phone! Good. Just good. Sarcastically: on.

After a few minutes I can finally meet her. I was like.. "THANKS GOD!"

Then we laughed. After that we bought drinks because we were so exhausted. Then we went home 'cause I was SO DAMN EXHAUSTED. I was near to fainted.

On our way home, my cousin was asleep and me still messed around with Twitter. I read Alex's tweet which RTed Jack's tweetpic of us; the crowd.

I was smiled to me, us, ATL Indonesian fans, and All Time Low theirself. We made it guys :')