Status: In progress

A Story From Afar

If you've lived with something you get used to. It begins to feel like a sibling. So when pain becomes as known to you as the air you breath. What happens when love try's to break the silence that you've always known.

Is it easy to change a gloomy outlook on life when you meet your soul mate?
  1. The old rugged chair
    It feels just like it always has, how can you stop something you've spent your whole life being.
  2. A brush with...fate?
    Nothing is as it seems, but when is it?
  3. Let it stay there, in the confines of your mind
    Sometimes, somethings are meant, to stay buried. Like the past. Rozan's history is the one thing, she never wants to think about, but if she wants to move on, does'nt she have to go back first?