Status: In progress

A Story From Afar

The old rugged chair

I'm awake; it’s three in the morning. The birds are twittering outside my window and
I just lay there. There's nothing captivating in my sight, but I can't move my eyes. My body is plagued with tiredness, but I can't sleep. The only things I ever want to do I'm told are wrong.
I walk the streets and people walk through me, there demeaning looks look past me.
Every time I grip harder, I fall further.
The air shocks my body making the tiny hairs along my spine stand up like soldiers at attention. The engine stops rumbling as I take the keys out the ignition. The clock read “8:35”
25 minutes until I reached the same place I’ve been visiting since my 1450 birthday. Where he'd be. Sitting at the front of the room like he always did. Starring blankly at the same board that was covered with things that he already knew at the beginning of his intriguingly long life.
My legs shake as I take a seat on the chair placed neatly in front of the small, semi detached house’s front window. Light battled into the room through the heavy, velvet, scarlet coloured curtains.
I took a deep breath and walked towards him. The only sound that rang clearly through the dingy room was the clicking of the floor boards beneath my feet.
Leaning in I stared at his cold face, his eyes wide open, tricking those who stood further then five feet away from him.
This man wasn’t interested in whatever story was beholding on the T.V before him, he was dead. His body was stiff from the starting of rigarmortis, yet strangely still warm.
My head instinctively arched up and I smelled the sent that was now ripe throughout the house. The sound of glass shattering echoed within the house. My ears were brought to attention, the back of the house my mind screamed as I carefully walked through into the kitchen. Surely enough there on the wooden lino floor lay a brick cradled in glass. Attached to it, lay a piece of parchment, scribbled with words upon it.
Bending down, I moved the cloaks hood from the top of my head which covered my face and picked up the paper.
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Well this is a long awaited attempt, comments please :)