Status: In progress

A Story From Afar

Let it stay there, in the confines of your mind

A voice boomed throughout the tiny little shack the two inhabitants liked to call home. There was'nt many furnishing but it looked lived in. Two rackety wooden chairs stood catching dust in the front room, a small stove, empty food tins and a loaf of stale bread occupied the kitchen. where as up stairs in the two small rooms lay sleeping an elf, and a woman.
The elf was nothing above five, and lay still beneath the small blanket with her eyes stareing up at the rotten wood roof. The room held nothing but a small wooden bed, a second hand desk, and an old stool with three legs, one of the three legs held a bite mark at the thickest point of the leg.
The womans room seemed as if it belonged to another house together. A double bed sat in the middle of the slightly bigger room then the elf's, a dresser stood on the left of the room towering over the bed where the woman snoored veriously.
An orange carpet lay beneath the bed and half sticking out onto the floor. It made no sense in the rusty seeming house, the intriecat designs, leaves wooven into the tree design with silver thread, it was the cleanest thing in the house, and most expensive looking item.

3 hours later

The woman stood looking around the room stareing at the murky looking room with disgust.
"ROZAN GET DOWN HERE" she screamed with her high pitched squeal.

Moveing the thin blanket in one swift movement Rozan stood and breathed out a sigh of tiredness, although her body hadnt slept, nor needed sleep till several hours ago. She graciously walked out of the tiny room and down the stairs to be met with her mother.
Her mothers moods never suprised her, although she was young, she knew alot of the world she lived in and the people who inhabbited it with her.

"Did i, or did i not tell you to clean up?! we have a special guest arriving soon, don't you know what that means, they don't want to be greeted with this..this MESS!"

Takeing a deep breath in she nooded and began with a cloth, wipeing down what little furniture they had. Her heart sank again, like it had every day of her life since she could remeber. She always wished that maybe, maybe one day, her mother would wake her up with a hug and they would go out for the day.
Instead of her haveing to tidy up and wait for her mothers...special guests.
It had been two years since she started to realise what her mothers speacial guests actually did after they arrived, and why her mother invited them upstairs, and it wasnt to show them the elven rug that she always said she was doing.
Rozan's mother was a hooker. A well known one as it seemed, men arrived all day and night., ever since she could remember.

Standing back, the room looked good as new. Leaving her mother to beautify herself beside the small antique mirror near the front door she entered the kitchen. Placeing the tins in the bin, she gathered the bread and slipped out the back door, as quietly as she could, as if to not alert her mother.
Sitting down on the small step in front of the door, she breathed a sigh of relief and looked up to the birds that circled in the bright blue sky.
Free, she whispered to herself, something she wished she could be everyday.

Breaking up the bread, she threw it as far as it would go. "CRASH" Damn she shuddered to herself, she never thought of her elven strength.
Something she always tried to forget, it always singled her out, from the kids that she used to play with in the street, and the reason, she agreed with herself, the reason her mother was so distant from her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 3, Rozan's childhood, a flashback, know you'll know why she's so, dark, and why she will be, more to chapter four, that is if you want it.