Dear You

Kate Ryan is different from most college girls her age; she can tell when someone is going to die. And of course, this doesn't help the girl get many friends. So Kate has vowed to be something great, with just her two pet pythons Einstien and Jefferson by her side. At least, until she pushed a little boy out of the way of an oncoming bus. Then Kate has to compete being dead.

Ian Williams is a vampire who dabbles in pretty much everything he can. After has to find something to keep their interest when they can live forever. And one of these things he dabbles in is the study of humans and the occult. He saw Kate's dramatic sacrfice and makes the dying Kate a deal she can't refuse: Ian will bring Kate back to life under the condition that she works as his "Reaper of Souls", telling him all about the "human condition" where ever she is ordered to go. Kate agrees.

Becoming a Reaper of Souls, Kate sees things one never sees...both the good and the bad. Throw in a cross dressing vampire looking for his WW2 lover, a kitsune whom is madly in love with Kate, James, her best human friend whom mourns her death, and ninja obessed faye who plan on taking over the world (despite being two inches tall and scared of the dark) and harility ensues.
  1. Death
    There's no spell check on this comp XD So sorry if I spell words wrong