Dear You


I hate cats. I mean I truly loathe them. Gross, icky, furry creatures that leech off of you and what people do? They love them. Adore them. Give them kitty cocaine called “cat nip” and giggle when a cat rubs up against them. Excuse me while I puke. I’m more of a snake person; snakes are calm, cool, collected, and just plain adorable. Well…scratch that. My two pythons Einstein and Jefferson are adorable. All other snakes just can’t compare.

I whistled low under my breath, pushing my sunglasses back up so they settled on the bridge of my nose. It was an unusally cool day for the beginning of fall (64 degrees fariheint if one had to guess) and all the people around me were dressed for fall; long jeans and long sleeved shirts, some with jackets, the women wearing fashionable pumps. Everyone going about their own business. There were some people on the campus skipping class, the smokers huddled in one corner chuging on their cigerettes, and a few others proudly supportting the university’s soccer team: the Lethal Wolvierines. I’m the only odd one out as usual. Not that I mind…because I’m going to be something great one day. Great at what? I have no idea. I only know that I can feel it…a feeling that I’m destined for more. That EVERYONE around me is destined for something great.

I paused at the sidewalk, looking both ways before crossing. My shoes slapped the pavement as I crossed and I put both hands into my pockets to keep them from freezing. “Hey Kates,” my best friend, James called out, jogging up to me. He had actaully managed to brush his unruly black hair.

“You look nice. What’s the occassaion Jim? You finally got a date?” I said, throwing my arms around him. One good thing about James, he has the physical stature of a pencil with the comfort of a pillow. He returned my hug with one of his own.

James grinned crookedly. “I wish. Alas…not many people get the greatness of Cobra Commander!”

“A nerd to the very end,” I replied, sticking out my tongue. He tapped me on the head, causing a few strands of dark brown hair to creep in my eyes. I brushed them away, looking behind me for a second to see something that made my heart skip a beat.

He was little kid…maybe five at most with curly black hair and dark brown eyes, tanned fist clutching a toy Spiderman as if it were a first place trophy, his teen mother walking a few feet behind him. But that wasn’t what scared me. It was the rapidly lowering clock of red numbers over his head that made me freeze. Because when a person finally hits zero, they die. And this little boy had less then a mintue left.

I didn’t think. Maybe that was my mistake? Maybe, if I had thought, I would still be alive. But if I had taken a second…even NANOSECOND, to think, the little boy would be dead instead.


I ran back out into the street just as the boy stepped on it. His clock already read twenty three seconds left. “Move,” I screamed though it was lost in the deafening blair of the oncoming bus’s horn.


I could feel fingers ghosting the sleeve of my jacket; barely a touch but it was there. I grabbed the little boy, flinging him as hard as I could away from me. He fell back, his clock’s numbers scrolling rapidly upwards. “Sorry,” I whispered, as the pain envloped me, my body flying through the air.

