That's What She Said.


There was a flutter of wings, and a sleek black streak soared across the sky. Becky shrieked and pointed at the dark shadow that flew amongst the snowy clouds.

"A crow! A crow!"

A laugh eased its way out and I tousled her hair.

"Yeah. Pretty cool, huh?"

"Yeah!" She chirped, a smile straining against her cherry-red cheeks. "One crow sorrow, two crow joy..."

A grin warmed my face.

"Where'd you hear that?"

I could hear the crinkle of her snowsuit as she shrugged.

"I dunno."

"Well, is that all?"

"Huh?" I glanced over at the her, ignoring the crisp wind that now tore at my hair and gnawed on my nose.

"There has to be more to the rhyme, right?"

"Oh." Her toes scuffed at a pile of slush. "Yeah..."

"Okay. So it's 'one crow sorrow, two crow joy'."

"Yep." The p popped in her mouth.

"What happens if I see three crows?"

"Um." she bit at her chapped lips. "I dunno."

"What? You don't know it?" I groaned, but a smile tempted the corners of my mouth.

"Nope." Another explosive consonant.

"Okay, what about four crows?"

"Four crows?" I almost couldn't hear her over the wind.


"Oh! It's... um, four crow boy! Yeah!" Snow crunched under her feet as she hopped about. "One crow sorrow, two crow joy. Three crow.. mhbleh, four crow boy!"

"M-mhbleh?" My stomach hurt as I tried not to laugh.


"Okay..." I paused then, a thought flitting into my mind. Becky still trudged ahead. "Wait!" Her head turned towards me, pigtails whipping about her head. "What happens if I don't want a boy?"

She giggled, an innocent grin dominating her face.

"Easy. Don't see four crows."
♠ ♠ ♠
.. Yep.