Dear Diary, I'm Not Normal


I stood there for what seemed like forever, before the sound of ringing in my ears knocked me out of the trance. The I realized that ringing in my ears was 8th period bell. Shit. I sprinted down the semi-deserted halls to the gym, where I rushed into the locker room to change quickly.

Coach Spector yelled at me for awhile, so I got to miss half of warm-ups. It was a nice day out, so the class went outside for an easy jog around the field. Finally, I got to talk to Catherine and Maggie.

“Why were you late?” Maggie asked as she tied her shoe lace.

“Just kind of lost track of time. How was your day?” I tried to get off the subject.

"That's a first," Catherine said.

"You're always on time," Maggie stated, standing up again. Catherine continued her thought differently.

"Yeah, that, and that Alecia-" A chill sprang through my body and I inhaled loudly. Maggie and Catherine stared at me funny.

"Oooookay...Anyway, Alecia actually got to Spanish on time," She finished with a chuckle, pointing at the text on her phone. I smiled a fake smile, as my bones were shaking inside me and my blood was rushing to my head.

I didn't understand any of this. What was I feeling? Where did it come from? How did it get there? Why?

We began our jog.

I stayed silent just talking in my head. I didn't know what to think anymore. Did I have some hidden anger toward Alecia? No, that couldn't be it. She's my best friend. She's never done anything to hurt me. Maybe the water thing was bugging me. No, not that either. I'm used to her little pranks. Maybe I-

"What are you doing tonight Ry?" Catherine asked me. That reminded me.

"Oh, well Alecia-" I held my breath again, but continued- "and I wanted to know if you and the other girls wanted to get together for pizza tonight."

"Sounds cool," Catherine nodded.

"What time?" Maggie interjected. We'd completed our first lap in two minutes.

"Err.. I'm not sure. Ask her," I answered, making sure not to say Alecia's name.

"Kaaaaay," Catherine said, ripping out her cellphone. We slowed to a walk as she texted our friend.

"Ohh look who it is, Riley," Maggie whispered to me. She pointed to a guy, about my height, with dark brown-almost black- hair, and amazing blue eyes. That guy was Daniel Gates. He was one exactly like me, only, of course in guy form. He was also my best friend.

He ran over to us. "Hello girls," He nodded toward Maggie and Catherine as he slowed to our speed. Then he turned to me, "Hey Riley," He shot a quick, adorable little smile toward me, then quickly turned away.

He was nervous.

I knew Daniel since first grade. Ever since second grade when he made me the cutest valentines day card, I knew he had a thing for me. Maggie would always bust on me about going out with him, but we never really got anywhere past the shy looks and little smirks.

"Hey Daniel," I smiled back. "How's your day going?"

"Excellent! I've found I'm failing two classes, got caught with my iPod three times, recieved one lunch detention-that's why I wasn't in lunch with you guys-and failed a math pop quiz!" He jumped in the air on the last one.

I laughed, "Well isn't that just swell."

"Not as bad as last week!" He rolled his eyes. I guess I forgot to mention that Daniel was terrible in school.

The group talked and walked. I also invited Daniel for pizza tonight but he had guitar lessons.
After three laps, the class was called in. We got changed, and eventually, the bell dismissed us from class for the day. I collected my things from my locker and waited out by the tree for Jack.

Once again, while waiting, I tried to assemble my feelings, my thoughts, back into place. But of course, that was interrupted again by another familiar voice talking to my back. I turned around only to see my problem-was she a problem?- standing in front of me, with a beautiful-did i say beautiful?- smile on her face.