Dear Diary, I'm Not Normal


"Hey, Riley!" Alecia walked up to me, her white backpack patched up with fabric dragging along next to her.

"Hey, what's up?" stop it![/] I said to myself, trying to scold my churning stomach.

"We still on for tonight?" She asked.

"Of course, why?" I asked.

"Well ya never know, you sometimes randomly remember you have something to go to," she answered.

"Ohh, well not this time. I had guitar yesterday, and I'm free from now all through the weekend," I smiled, weakly.

"Awesome," she exclaimed. We both heard a beep in the distance. "Oops, that's my dad. See ya." I watched her glide away without hearing a response from me.

My stomach stopped hurting.


After driving home-for a lifetime it seemed- I ended up back in my small room I had last seen this morning.

Since mom is never home when we get home-she works two jobs- I get to hide out in my room for a few hours with my music blasting and get to chill. Jack is usually down in the basement, or as he calls it, his 'studio', playing his guitar, x-box, or just watching TV.

I laid on my bed with Jinx, staring at the ceiling. I couldn't stop thinking of what was going on in my head. Wait, does that even make sense? Wow, I was really confused.

Thank god, my phone rang. "I'm stuck in a coma, stuck a never ending sleep. Someday I will-" I opened it and put if up to my ear.


"Hey,'s Daniel. Guitar got canceled. Guy got food poisoning or something," Daniel said monotoned. "Do you think I could still go to pizza with you guys? I mean, if you still want me there?"

"Of course we do! That's terrible about your teacher, but sure you're always welcome," I said into the receiver.

"Oh...kay, great," he said, I guess a little off by my expression.

"Yeah, see you soon!" I hung up.

I don't know why I was so excited for Daniel to come. I mean, anywhere I went with him, he was always all over me-holding my hand, sitting next to me, all that.

Well, maybe that's what I wanted? I'm not sure.

Okay now you're just confusing yourself again, Riley. I whispered to myself, and shrugged all the thoughts I've had this afternoon aside, and thought about what I wanted to wear for the outing.


I walked down into Jack's studio, dressed in a Gray My Chemical Romance shirt with black skinny jeans, and my favorite, drawn-on, gray converse. I plopped down on the big leather computer chair and watched my brother play x box live.

Bored of this, open my phone to camera view, and began applying black eyeliner.

"YES!!!!!!!" Jack screamed. His sudden burst scared me and I poked myself in the eye with the pencil.

"AH SHIT!" I screamed aswell. He turned around, not aware I was in the room.

"Oh, sorry sis! You okay?" has asked, sort of chuckling.

"No, I am NOT okay. I poked myself in the eye with a pencil!" I acted all pissed off toward him.

"Oh come on, it's not that big of a deal," he said, annoyed, and came over to me. "Let me see what damage I caused."

"I'm bleeding!" I yelled dramatically, turning away from him.

"Let me see!" he called out, concerned. He believed me. I turned around, covering my eye. He leaned down to look closely as I took my hand away. Quickly, I drew all over his face with eyeliner.

"HA HA, PAYBACK!" I yelled, making scribbles on his face.

"Oh you're gonna get it!" he began chasing me around the room, pretending to be mad. We jumped over chairs, bounced on couches, and he wound up tackling me to the floor tickling me.

"Okay okay! stop! I'm sorry!" I pleaded between massive giggles.

"Ha, alright," Jack stopped, and pulled me up so I sat on the floor in front of him. "You ready to go?"

"Do I look like I'm ready to go, Jack Andrew Atkinson?" I said pointing to my half-done eyeliner, and fading red eye.

"Oh come on you can do that in the car," he decided for me, turning off his x box. "I wanna go before it gets too late."

"Alright, fine," I agreed, and we walked out to his red jeep once again today.