Dreams Die First

For If You Do I'll Know

Velvet leather,
I wish I could feel.
Pitch-black denim
refrains me
from feeling so.

Questions float
just above his head.
I hope I wont breathe in.

Hands cupped
around a mug,
so warm and tepid,
shaking for a reason
far beyond fear.

Hair dripping dry.
I'm trying to keep
from shivering
so I can remain
My body,
resembles a statue,
but significantly far
from perfect art.

Why the Hell
were you standing in the rain?

"Admiring the scenery."

You know, this job
is a waste of your
intellectual knowledge.

"Would you feel satisfied
if I were to decrease
my 'knowledge'?"

You're just seventeen.
"You're not much older."

You're beyond our control.
"Strap me
to a chair."

You're sick.

What's the benefit
for working with us?

"There isn't."


Promise me

"That depends."
Promise not to
hurt yourself

"That is something
I cannot promise."
Then let me
stay with you.
Just to know
you're safe.

"That's unnecessary
In any case,
my thanks
are for you."

I have to
before he
loses me.

There's plead
in his voice.
A tone
that went undetected,
until now.
I won't be able
to sleep tonight
if I'm not sure
you're safe.

The truth?
It would be nice
to not be alone
for once.

"Sleep is important
for this investigation
so if it's the only way,
then I grant you
to stay."

A smile, full of toxic,
making me burn.
I turn away,
before my insides

You're a strange
type of person.

Leave him
to talking to my back.
"Oh really?
What type would
that be?"
A blink of my eyes,
and he's already so
A finger under my chin
tilting my eyes
glaring into his.

A flicker of light,
burns dimly
in his eyes.
Who lit the candle?
For whom
does it burn?

You're finally showing
a bit of emotion
in those dead eyes.
I thought for sure,
you weren't real.

"Don't think
such absurd things."

A chuckle,
dry and vain.
I'm only saying
what's on

My head
cocks back
faces towards
the sky.

Yet another
about my eyes.
Are they really
I'm bursting
with emotion
so why is it
that no one
can see?