Sequel: Gunslinger

Confided in Me Was Your Heart


Detta POV-

"Come on, sing for me," I said, pulling Zack by the hands into the living room. "You want me to sing for you?" he asked, laughing. "Please? For us?" I said, sticking my bottom lip out, rubbing my belly. "Alright," he replied, laughing. He picked up his acoustic guitar and sat down on the couch next to me. "What do you want me to play for you?" he asked. I looked at him and smiled. "What do you think?" I replied.

Normally, my song isn't played acoustically, but one night, Zack decided to try it out, and I fell in love with the song even more. "Sing for me, Zacky V," I said, smiling at him. He smiled and shook his head as he began to play the opening chords to Unholy Confessions. It was slower, and, in a weird way, romantic the way he played and sang it for me now. I sat with my hands on my stomach as he played. I could feel the baby kicking from the outside, something I'd never been able to do that early in a pregnancy before.

He finished the song and leaned over to kiss my lips. "I love you," I said. "I love you too," he replied, smiling. I grabbed his hand and laid it on my belly. The baby was still moving. "Can you feel it?" I asked him. He nodded and set his guitar down, laying both hands on my stomach. He kissed my stomach and rubbed it as the baby moved more and more. "She's so active," he said. "You're so convinced it's a girl," I replied, laughing. "And you're so convinced it's another boy," he replied, sitting up.

"I am. I doubt we ever have a girl," I said, laying my head in his lap. He stroked my hair softly. "I just know this one's a girl, Detta. I just know it is," he told me. "We need to pick out names," I said. "Well, since you think it's a boy, you pick a boy name, and I'll pick a girl name," he replied. "Fair deal. I already have one picked out," I told him. "And just what would that be?" he asked me. "James Vengeance Baker," I said. He laughed and shook his head. "Vengeance?" he replied. I glared at him. "What's wrong with it?" I asked.

"Nothing," he replied. "You don't like it," I said. "It's not that I don't like it, babe, it's not that at all," he told me, still stroking my hair. "Well then what's wrong with it?" I demanded. He shook his head and smiled. "Nothing, really. I just didn't think you'd ever suggest Vengeance as a name," he replied. "Zack, we named our son Plague. Vengeance is not that weird," I told him. "Good point...well, I have a girl's name picked out, too," he said. "What's that?"

Zacky POV-

"Well, I thought about naming her after her grandmothers, but then I realized that it was almost a hundred percent chance you wouldn't want to name her after your mom," I told her. She stared up at me. "Never in a million years," she said. "So, I thought about your Nonna," I replied. A soft smile crossed her lips. "Go on," she said. "So if it's a girl, which it is," I said, smiling, "I want to name her Luciana Maria Baker, after your grandmother, and my mom."

My left hand moved from her hair to her stomach as she took my right one into both of hers. "I love you so much. You're the best man in the whole entire world, you know?" she said. I laughed and shook my head. "Not hardly, but I try to be the best I can. For you and our babies," I said. "Well you do a damn good job, Mr. Baker," she said.

"Like I said, I try," I replied. "We should go check on Plague and go uh...snuggle," she said. I knew what that meant. She wanted sex. Her sex drive with this pregnancy was unreal. It wasn't like it was with Plague, every once in a while. She wanted it all the time, every single day, sometimes more than once a day. With her growing belly, like with Plague, things changed, but nevertheless, it was amazing. We made love more than we had sex. After nearly three years with her, I had learned the differences in sex, fucking, and making love, and though I liked to have fun, I preferred making love to my wife any day.

"Come on then," I said. She sat up and stood, waiting for me. I took her by the hand and we locked up the house, making our way up the stairs. She stopped midway. "What?" I asked. "Shh, listen," she said. Clearly, she wasn't the only one with making love on her mind. Matt and Piper had forgotten to shut the door, or hadn't made sure to shut it all the way, because we could hear everything. "I'll go shut the door," she said, letting go of my hand. "All clear," she said, standing at the top of the stairs. We made our way together into the nursery to check on the kids, who were all sound asleep before heading to our bedroom.

"Lock the door," she said. "I kinda figured," I replied, laughing. I locked the door, turned around, and was pulled into a kiss. "Waste no time, do you?" I asked, pulling away. "Nope," she replied, reaching for my shirt.

Detta POV-Four Months Later

"That was really good," Zack said, kissing my neck. We were laying in bed, just like every night for the past five or six months, sweaty, sticky, and naked. "Yeah it was, but I don't feel so hot," I said, rubbing my belly. "Why? What's wrong?" he asked. He'd stopped kissing on me and sat up in the bed. "Nothing. I think I'm having false contractions again," I said. "I'm sorry, you want me to rub your belly?" Zack asked, reaching over. "I think I'm gonna go take a shower," I said, throwing the sheet off of me. I climbed out of bed and walked to the bathroom, turning on the shower. When I moved to get a towel, I felt it. I felt the little pop that I'd felt twice before, followed by the gush of water that was now puddled at my feet. "Zack..." I called, trying to keep my voice steady. "What is it?" he asked. " water just broke," I said.

Seconds later, Zack was in the doorway in nothing but his boxers. "What? You...oh fuck. Give me thirty seconds. I'll get dressed. Shit, you need clothes. Uh, Piper," he said, rushing around. I could hear him on the phone with Piper as he dressed. She'd be there in a few minutes, I knew, but I didn't know how long I was gonna make it. Zack helped me get dressed and down the stairs in record time. As soon as Matt and Piper walked in the door, we were gone. "They'll meet us there as soon as they can with the kids," Zack said. Piper herself wasn't too far from her due date. We originally shared a due date, but it was clear that we weren't both going to make it.

"The baby hadn't even turned yet the other day," I said as Zack ran a red light. "Everything will be fine," he assured me. "I know it will, but just, FUCK!" I said as a hard contraction hit. Zack sped up and ran another red light. A cop flashed his lights at us momentarily, but when he saw Zack's flashers on, he turned them off. "I'm going as fast as I can, baby, hold on," he told me. He held my hand the entire way to the hospital. As soon as we arrived, they checked us in and placed us in a room. "At least we didn't have to wait very long," he said, smiling encouragingly as the nurses hooked numerous monitors up to me. "Yeah, now just to wait on baby Baker," I replied.

"Luci," he said, smiling. "James," I replied. "We'll know soon," he said, kissing my forehead. "Not soon enough," I answered. Another hard contraction hit. There was no way of stopping my labor, no way at all. "Vendetta Baker," I heard from the hallway. "Piper," I called. "I'm here, Det. I'm right here," she said, waddling in as fast as she could. She took my other hand and pushed hair off of my forehead. "Where's Matteo? And the kids?" I asked her. "Out in the waiting room. Brian and Johnny are here, too, helping Matt," she replied. I nodded and laid back. Everything hurt, and nothing felt right.

"Mrs. Baker," a doctor said, walking into the room. "That would be me," I replied. "So, your water broke, and you're...thirty three weeks?" he asked. I nodded in response. "Alright, let's check and see how active your labor is," he replied. He checked the monitor that monitored my contractions before checking my dialation. "Well, there's no stopping this labor. Are you trying for another vaginal or did you want another Caesarian?" he asked. "C-section," I replied. "Then I'm gonna have them prep the O.R., Mrs. Baker. I give it half an hour and your baby will be here," he said.

Half an hour? I looked at Zack. "The baby's gonna be okay, right?" I asked him. "Of course, Detta, the baby will be fine. So will you. She's just a little early, that's all," he replied. I nodded and laid my head back, closing my eyes against the tears that were threatening to fall.

Zacky POV-

I just remember a lot of loud beeping and rushed orders from the doctors as I held Detta's hand. "Code blue," was shouted, among other things. Her skin had never been so cold. Somehow I was pushed out of the room, I don't even know how. Luci was rushed out too, but she was fine. It was Detta they were worried about. She was losing a lot of blood.

Detta POV-

I don't know if it was real or if it was a dream. Everything was white and gold. It was too damn bright. I reached up on top of my head. I needed a pair of shades. "What are you doing here?" a voice asked. I hadn't heard that voice in years. "Chris?" I replied, looking up. "Yeah, Detta...what are you doing here?" another voice said. My breath stopped in my throat and tears burned my eyes. I wanted to reach out and touch him. I knew this wasn't real, now. "Jimmy," I whispered. "Nice to finally meet you," he said, smiling. His blue eyes were sparkling. He was dressed in white pants, no shirt, and he had a pair of drumsticks in his hand. "Jimmy...Chris....if you're....then I' I in heaven?" I asked them. Jimmy nodded. "I don't know how the hell I got here either, but I'm here...but you shouldn't be here, Detta, not yet at least," he replied. "Chris..." I said, looking to him. He walked closer to me and brushed my cheek with his knuckles. His green eyes reminded me of Zack's. "It's not your time, gotta go back, Punkin," he told me. I laughed lightly and grabbed onto the hand that was brushing my cheek. I hadn't heard that name in forever. "Punkin," I whispered. "You'll always be my Punkin, Detta...but you know, you've got a man who loves you more than anything in this world, and three beautiful kids. Zacky's growing up so fast," he said. I nodded, tears spilling down my face. I felt a cold arm wrap around my shoulders and a pair of lips on my temple. "I'm glad we finally got to meet and all, but Chris is right. My brother needs you. My neice and nephews, they need you too, please don't stay here, Detta. Go back to Zack...he can't live without you," Jimmy said.

I took a deep breath and looked up at both of them. "Walk me back?" I asked. They both smiled and nodded, Chris took my hand, Jimmy's arm still around my shoulders, and they walked me back to where I'd come from. "See you later, give the guys a hug from me. Tell them I miss them...and thanks for naming your kid after me, that was really fucking cool," Jimmy said, hugging me. I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. "You have no idea how much that means to me, Jimmy. I love you," I said. He smiled broadly and kissed my cheek one last time before walking back down the long tunnel. "Well...I guess this is it," Chris said, still holding to my hand. "I guess so," I replied, feeling my eyes well up with tears again. I'd never gotten to say goodbye before. "I love you, Detta. I'm so proud of you, and Piper. I'm so happy for you. You finally got him, your Zacky V," he told me. I nodded. "I miss you every single day, Chris, you were my first love, you know?" I replied.

"Oh I know, Punkin, but my time came...and you found him...and he takes such good care of you, and your kids. Luci's beautiful...and baby we lost, he's beautiful, too. You should see him....and the one you and Zack lost...Jimmy takes good care of him," Chris said. His voice was shaking. He was gonna cry. "Don't cry, Christopher," I said, hugging him. "I love you, Det...but you gotta go back now, just like Jimmy said, Zack can't live without you," he told me. I swallowed hard and pulled away. "I guess this is goodbye, then?" I asked him. He shook his head and kissed my cheek. "Not goodbye, Punkin, I'll see you later."

Chris let go of me and as I stepped back into the darkness, I could swear I heard Jimmy yelling behind me. "Come here, you fuckin' stallion duck!!" I laughed to myself as warmth filled my entire body once again.

Zacky POV-

I went to the nursery to watch the nurses care for my daughter. Little Luciana Maria Baker, six pounds, ten ounces, nineteen inches long. She was perfect. The nurse held her up so I could look at her closer. Her eyes were already open, and as far as I could tell, they were brown, just like her mother's. Her heart sank as my mind wandered back to that operating room. I didn't know if she was okay. I needed to know. I blew a kiss at my baby girl and turned to walk back to the operating room.

The doctor was walking out just as I approached the doors to peek in. "Mr. Baker?" he said. "Yeah?" I replied. "Your wife's in recovery. We thought we'd lost her a couple times...and we had to give her a transfusion, but she'll be fine, she should wake up in a couple of hours," he told me. "So when can I see her?" I asked. "We'll move her into her regular room soon, you can go ahead down there if you'd like. Room two fifty six," he said. I nodded and shoved my hands in my pockets, heading for the elevator.

I stretched out on the couch in the room and texted Matt and Piper, letting them know that Luci was fine and that Detta would be to before shutting my eyes and going to sleep.

"Dude, Zack, wake up, bro," a voice said from above me. I was so cold I was shaking. "What the...Jimmy?" I said, opening my eyes. "Yeah, motherfucker, sit up so I can sit down," he replied. I sat up and stared at him. It seemed like he had a white light around him. He had on nothing but a pair of white pants, and he was twirling a stick in his hand. "Jimmy?" I repeated. "Yes, Zack, it's me. I'm here," he replied. "Holy fuck," I mumbled. "Yeah, I can't stay long though. I just had to tell you something," he said. "'re not real?" I asked. "I'm as real as you believe I am. I was sent here to tell you that Detta's gonna be fine. I met her earlier. Sweet girl, really pretty. You got a good one this time," he told me. I nodded and just stared at him. "Chris said to thank you for taking care of her," he added. "Um...tell him...he's welcome...dude, how the fuck did you get here?" I asked. He shrugged and stood up. "I dunno dude, but I gotta go back. I'll see you again someday though, Zack. I miss you. I love you, take care of Detta and those kids. Oh...and your son, the one Detta lost right after Piper's accident, I named him James, I figured you'd be cool with that. I've been giving him lessons. He's a quick learner," Jimmy said, smiling. "James," I replied, my voice a whisper. He nodded and stuck his sticks in his pocket before disappearing.

"Zack....Zacky...." a voice shook me from my dream, a voice so soft that I'm surprised it woke me up. "Detta?" I replied, sitting up, still shivering. "Where's Luci?" she asked me. I stood up and sat on the edge of her bed. She looked pale, but she was alive. I grabbed one of her hands into both of mine. It was nice and warm. She was definitely alive. "Detta...God, baby, I thought I'd lost you," I told her. " almost did, Zack..." she replied. I looked up and into her eyes. "What?" I replied. "I...I saw Jimmy...and Chris...they made me come back," she replied, her voice cracking. "You saw Jimmy?" I asked. She nodded, tears falling down her face. "I saw Jimmy, and Chris. Jimmy told me I had to come back, for you, because you couldn't live without me," she said. "I can't. He's right, baby, I can't," I told her, taking her into my arms. Tears stung my eyes as she cried against my chest. "Thank you, Jimmy, thank you," I whispered, my lips pressed to her forehead.

"I understand if you think I'm crazy, Zee, I really do, but I swear to God I saw him," she said, her voice still cracking. "I believe you, Detta, shhh....don't cry. Lay back down and relax. I'm gonna go get Luci," I told her.

Detta POV-

I laid back and wiped my eyes while Zack left to get our daughter. I wondered what time it was. It was so dark outside, it had to be late. I wondered where Piper and Matt were, where Little Zack and Plague were, and everyone else. Wondering was exhausting me, though. I could worry about that later. For now, I wanted to hold my daughter.

Zack was cooing to her in his broken Italian when he walked in the room. I smiled softly. "Luci, this is your mommy," he said, laying her into my arms. Tears fell softly from my eyes as I looked down at my baby girl for the very first time. "She's so beautiful," I said, brushing her soft face with a finger. "She is, just like her mom," Zack said, kissing the top of my head. "How much did she weigh?" I asked Zack. "Six, ten. Nineteen inches," he replied. "She's so tiny," I said, peeling back her blanket to get a better look at her. She stretched out when I did, spreading all ten fingers and all ten toes. "Awww...God, Zack, look what we made..." I said, smiling. "A beautiful, perfect, little bambina," he said. I laughed softly and looked up at him. "Yes, we did. Thank you, Zachary," I told him.

Zacky POV-

We were allowed to take Luci home three days later. Detta was feeling much better, though she and I were both a little bummed about the doctors telling her that more kids weren't possible. Her uterus had ruptured, causing the excessive bleeding, leading to her tubes being tied. "Well, we got our little girl, and we have two beautiful boys," she said to me from the back seat as I pulled onto our street. "Yeah, we do," I replied. I pulled into the driveway and opened the car door for my wife. She climbed out slowly. "Stupid staples," she said, grimacing. "I'm sorry," I said, kissing her temple. She smiled as she watched me lift our tiny little baby girl out of the car.

Piper and Matt, Syn and Karma, Johnny and Daisy, Abe and Steven, my parents, brother, sister, and Piper's parents were all waiting in our living room when we walked into the house to welcome little Luci home. "Benvenuti a casa, Luciana" Detta said, kissing Luci's forehead. Her accent was still as thick as ever, the way the words rolled off her tongue, just as beautiful as the first time I ever heard her speak the language.

I couldn't have asked for more. I had everything I wanted right there in my living room. I was surrounded by my best friends, my family, and I had a family of my own. I never really thought I was that type. I'd been called uncommittable, unwilling, and stubborn when it came to women until I found Detta. She truly saved me. I cradled my little princess in my arms as everyone made over her.

Detta POV-

I can't describe the way it felt watching Zack as he stared down at Luci that night after everyone had left. She was asleep in his arms in our bed as I laid there watching them. My life was truly complete. I had the man of my dreams, three amazing children, and a loving, supportive, wonderfully amazing family, whether they were blood related or not. Piper and Matt, my wonderful might as well be sister and brother, and their two kids, with one on the way. I loved the Sanders' so much. Brian and his fiancee, Karma, who was such a sweetheart. I was glad he'd found someone to settle down with, someone who made him happy. Johnny and Daisy were expecting their first born in the next few months, a girl. Johnny couldn't have been happier. And Abe, mine and Piper's gay best friend from high school, the amazingly talented drummer, had taken a page out of my husband's book and fallen in love with a male stripper named Steven. They were absolutely precious together.

"I love you, Vendetta," Zack said, looking at me. "And I love you, Zachary," I replied. He looked down at Luci and then back over at me. "I'm gonna put her in her bassinet and I'll be right back, okay?" he said. I nodded and watched him as he crossed the room and placed her gently in her bassinet. He crawled back into the bed with me and I laid my head on his chest, snuggling close to him. "You're a dream come true, you know that?" I told him. "Me?" he asked. "Yeah, you. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I'd wind up with you...and here we are...together. Married, with three amazing kids, and one another," I said. "You know, Detta...I feel the same way about you. It's not something I say every day, but you're a blessing to me. You, and all of our kids. I'm so thankful for all of you," Zack replied.

"And I'm thankful for you. I never thought I'd find someone who loved me and Little Zacky...but I did. Thanks to Piper," I said. "I'll have to remember to thank her again for introducing us," he replied, laughing. "Seriously, though...thank you. For loving me, and Zacky...and for giving me Plague and Luci," I told him. He shook his head and kissed me gently. "You don't have to thank me, Detta. Go to sleep, baby," he told me. I closed my eyes and snuggled closer to him, drifting off into a peaceful sleep. No dream I ever dreamed ever mattered from that moment on, because the only dreams that had ever mattered had already come true.