Status: Muahha.

I Can Rescue You

i was switched off like a light.

The next morning, I could smell breakfast already served. Cori had spent the night, and John decided to stay in the guest room because - well - he felt like it. I smiled as I heard my parents talking in the kitchen. I already knew what my dad was doing: making his coffee, while reading the Sunday comics, like he always did. I could already picture my mother shuffling around, getting the table set, with two more spots for Cori and John. It smelt like when I was a kid. I could still remember when my brother would wake me up by tickling me until I screamed for mercy. Sunday mornings were my favorite, and they still were. Though my brother was living in Tuscon now with his wife and daughter, Sunday mornings were still the same.

"Cori," I shook her a little bit, "Breakfast is ready." She stirred, but stayed mostly still. "Cori." She groaned and waved me away, causing me to roll my eyes. "Cori, Kennedy's on the phone for you. I think he wants to ask you to prom." Her eyes shot open and she glared once she realized that I was lying. She hit me numerous times, causing me to laugh and run out of the room before she killed me. "One down, one to go." I made my way over to the guest room and opened the door quietly, seeing that he was half off the bed, snoring slightly. I silently giggled and walked towards the side of the bed and squatted. I took a deep breath and raised my hand, brushing the hair out of his face. "Oh, John. You're so hot. Let's go back to my place and have some fun." He smiled and opened his eyes, his smile immediately fading. "Oh, that's cool, John. I can tell how ugly I am, now."

"Get out," He sighed. "I'll be down in a minute."

Cori was already downstairs when I got there, digging into her pancakes and bacon. She didn't like eggs, so she skipped on those. She smiled at me as I sat down next to her and poured myself a glass of orange juice. "What's the plan, Stan?" She said in a manly voice.

"Don't have a clue, Stu!" We started laughing hysterically, but stopped when John groggily came into the kitchen. "What's stuck up your butt?"

"The morning, that's what."

"Well," I laughed. "If you hadn't stayed here last night, you'd still be sleeping in your own bed at home." He stuck his tongue out at me and took his spot, next to Cori, across from me. Cori, for some reason, always had to be 'queen of the table' whenever she stayed the night. "Have any ideas for after we drop off this one?" I pointed towards John, earning a sour look from him.

"We could just go to my house," She shrugged, and I followed suit. After we ate breakfast, I took a shower and got dressed, then Cori followed and John just went without because I didn't have men's shampoo in my shower. "Okay, I'm ready."

"Cute outfit," I smiled, tugging at her shirt a little. She looked me over. "You like?"

"I give it a twenty," She winked and the three of us walked outside and to my car. "So, John."

"Hm?" He laid down in the back as soon as he shut the door.

"Hey, John. Hey, John. Hey, John. Hey, John. Hey, John."

"What?!" He sat up and glared at Cori. "What?"

She smiled at me, "Hey, John. Don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better!"

"Shut up," He groaned, putting his hands over his face. "I'll just walk home. It's down the street anyway." I laughed as he got out of the car, slamming the door once he was out. I waved at him as Cori and I drove past.

"I'm so tired," Cori sighed, resting her head on the window. "Last night kicked my butt."

"Then let's take a nap for a while when we get to your house. Then we can wake up later and do something," She nodded and I pulled into her driveway. "Is your brother home?"

"Probably," She sighed. "If he's playing bass, I'll kill him." I laughed as we walked into her house. "Oh my God, why now." I could hear the bass in his room. He was pretty good, but I wouldn't think much of him. "Garrett!" The bass stopped and Garrett's bedroom door opened, his head poking out. "Could you turn it down? We're tired and we're going to nap now."

"Sure," He smiled. "Hey, Novalie."

I gave him a half-smile and slightly waved, feeling awkward. "Mom said you have to pick up her dry-cleaning today. But we can go get it if you want."

"No, I'll get it. Go take a nap. Do you guys want anything to eat for breakfast?"

"No, we just ate. Why can't you be one of those mean older brothers? You're so nice," Cori laughed. Garrett shrugged, "Actually, now that I think of it. Can you get me some more Raspberry Tea? We're out." He nodded and Cori gave him ten dollars. "You want anything, Nov?" I shook my head as I awkwardly stood there. "See you later."

"Well I'm not leaving yet. I still gotta shower," He smiled at Cori, and then at me. "Do me a favor?" Cori nodded. "Text John and remind him that we have practice in an hour."

I laughed, "He won't be happy about that."

Garrett looked over at me and shrugged. That's when I realized that I had just spoken to Garrett. Suddenly I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks and I couldn't stop smiling as he laughed at what I said. He thought I was funny.

What was wrong with me?

"I would say you could share my bed," Cori started, "But we're poor and we only have twin beds. And I know you don't feel like sleeping on the floor."

I smiled, "I'll take the couch."

"Non-sense," Garrett smiled. "Take my bed."

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "No, that's really - "

"Take my bed, Novalie. I don't mind. I won't be back for a while anyway. I'll be at practice. It's totally okay."

I looked over at Cori and she shrugged, "Just agree. That's what I usually do."

I chuckled, "If it's alright, then I guess I won't turn down an offer for a comfy bed."

Garrett finally left, leaving me to breathe for a minute. Cori and I trudged upstairs, barely having the strength to even open the bedroom doors. "See you later," Cori waved as she yawned. I stepped into Garrett's room and looked around. There were posters of bands everywhere and the room was a wreck. I mean, he wasn't expecting company in his room, but still. Dirty clothes were everywhere, everything was covered with dust, and half his bed was covered in some of those dirty clothes. At this point, though, I didn't care. I was in Garrett's room. We barely knew each other, and he offered his bed for me to sleep on. This was just plain weird.
♠ ♠ ♠
Novalie's Outfit
Cori's Outfit

I'm so excited about this. Thanks to Cori for helping! Comment, subscribe, whatevaaaa.