Sequel: Devils Spoke


Stood at the table where she sat, and removed his hat, in respect of her presence

To his right Dean was in almost coma like sleep as they waited for any sign of Ali Smith leaving the apartment block, they had been there since seven am and it was closing in on one in the afternoon but finally a girl who resembled Ali Smith left the apartment block, she looked shaken and jumpy as the people passed her bumping their shoulders into the small girl as she rushed along the sidewalk

“Dean wake up, Ali just left” Sam’s hand slapped his brothers chest bringing him back to life with a fright like he’d done the night before “we should be able to just walk in there, claim we’re visiting some friends or something if anyone asks who we are…there’s no door man or anything”

“Dude” Dean yawned “she’s hot, you should hit that while we’re out this way” Sam shook his head at his brothers words before he clambered from the car and made his way towards the building leaving Dean behind to catch up. Cautiously the brothers made they’re way up to the fifth floor then stopped outside apartment 523, Sam slipped a picklock from his pocket and slowly opened the door, he peaked inside before slipping fully into the apartment and motioning Dean to follow

“Well…this place is nice…” Dean pulled a face slightly as he looked at the messy kitchen table and the untidy counter tops “place doesn’t look very lived in” he tugged on one of the cardboard boxes sat next to the sofa “think I could find her underwear box?” he grinned as Sam sighed heavily

“We’re supposed to be looking for some sort-” he was cut off as music began playing through the small apartment “what the hell is that?” Sam jumped up and stared at Dean with wide eyes only to frown as Dean began nodding and making faces as he sang along “what the hell are you doing?” Sam hissed

“It’s Metallica dude, even a ghost has a better music taste than you” quickly the both grabbed the guns from the back of their jeans and crossed the front room into the hallway where the music got louder “it’s coming from in here” Sam grabbed the door handle and nodded three times before swinging the door open and jumping in with their guns held up ready to shoot anything that might have been on the other side of the door

“OH MY GOD, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?! GET OUT!” the blonde screamed as she grabbed a jumper from the bed to cover her nakedness, they all stared at one another for a few minutes of silence with only Metallica playing in the background “GET OUT!” she pointed in front of her with an embarrassed blush across her face

“I’m so sorry, oh my god I’m sorry” Sam spluttered as he put his gun back into his jeans and backed out covering his eyes as he went, Dean remained where he was with a slight smirk across his lips as his eyes scanned the girl in front of him

“For the record you have an awesome music taste and that’s a pretty sweet tattoo” suddenly Sam’s palm slapped across his chest pulling him from the poor girls bedroom and towards the front door in a rush “she was hot man, really fucking hot”

“We obviously got into the room apartment come on, we need to get out of here Dean” Sam tripped over one of the boxes in the front room sending his six foot four frame sprawling across the floor and giving the girl enough time to pull an over sized jumper on and rush out into the living room

“WHO ARE YOU GUYS?! ARE YOU ROBBERS? I KNOW YOUR NAMES DEAN, I’LL CALL THE POLICE!” quickly the guys froze and turned to look at her with wide eyes and palms held up in peace “tell me who you are and why you’re here” she demanded, her voice shaking slightly as she attempted to keep the jumper at a respectable length

“Our names are Sam and Dean Winchester” Sam explained cautiously, his eyes shooting from his brother to the girl with her hand hovering over the phone “we were looking for Ali Smith, we obviously got the wrong apartment…we met her in a class yesterday” the blonde looked at them with worried eyes before her hand backed away from the phone “thank you” they both sighed heavily in relief “uh…who are…who are you?”

“I’m her sister…Ella? She didn’t mention that I lived here with her?” her face contorted in confusion before the boys shook their head “damn little sister, I open up my apartment for her and she starts telling people it’s hers, I work damn hard to pay for this apartment and she can’t even acknowledge that it’s mine” Sam watched with a confused look as she crossed to the sofa and dropped down on it, her dark eyes caught sight of Dean and looked him head to toe and back again .

“Ella do you know where Ali is?” Sam asked sighing as his brother grinned at Ella.

“Well last time I checked she was heading down to the university library” she looked at them with wide eyes “is Ali in trouble? Why did you guys have guns? If you’re going down there to shoot her you’ve got the wrong girl, my sister is as dull as they come, she doesn’t even take her coffee too strong”

“No, no she‘s not in trouble we‘re just uh…we‘re just“ he looked to Dean who shrugged “ we‘re just gun enthusiasts?” the girl scoffed then ran her fingers through her hair “well come on Dean, lets go”

“Well, you know maybe I should just wait here for her, in case you miss her” Dean was making small head motions towards Ella. Sam sighed and grabbed his brother by the scruff of the neck.

“But you know you will handle her a whole lot better than me” Sam’s grip loosened on his brother as he realized Dean was right.

“If your staying do you want a beer or something?” Ella asked sitting up staring at Dean and Sam.

“Sure” Dean answered before Sam could protest.

“Fine I’ll see you later” Sam left the apartment before the awkwardness could begin.


Ali’s POV

The library seemed louder than usual as Ali sat down with her books and notepad. The longer Ali studied the louder the library became, she was still scared after the woman in her flat and her eyes were tricking her into thinking she was seeing the young girl everywhere, already she’d seen her three times on the way to the library.

Finally the noise and the headache became too much and Ali slammed her book shut, she was so tired but she’d slept near enough the entire night through. She rubbed her temples softly for a few seconds until a book was loudly dropped onto the table across from her, she looked up and met the stomach of an overly tall man, her gaze raised again and she took a sharp inaudible breath when her greens fell on his attractive face

“Hey uh…I’m Sam” he gave her a shy smile “mind if I sit down?” Ali nodded with a small smile, she watched as Sam scrapped the wooden chair across the floor and dropped down in it with a quiet sigh “man proff’s got us working our assess off for this assessment huh?” Ali nodded even though she was sure she’d never seen this attractive man before in her life “what section are you on?”

“Section three…I’m sorry, have we met?” Ali didn’t mean to come across so stand-offish but she was still tense “that must have sounded so rude, I’m just a little stressed” she brushed away the hair that had fallen around her face “if it’s not an essay, it’s a lecture, if it’s not a lecture it’s someone breaking into my apartment without using the door or windows” she sighed “sorry, I’m rambling”

“Someone broke into your apartment? Are you on campus?” Sam gave her a concerned look that in all honesty she was sick of seeing “I’m sorry you obviously don’t want to talk about it but uh…sometimes having someone to talk too can help a lot”

“You’re in my class right?” the man nodded “okay Sam, I’m going to take up your offer of a sympathetic ear” she pushed her chair back and got to her feet, she began collecting her things before she noticed Sam looking at her with a confused look “well if we’re going to talk I’m not going to talk to you in the middle of a public library, my apartment is only a ten minute walk away, come on”.

The pair walked together closely as they spoke, chatting about the classes that Ali was just managing to get through, it was nice to speak to someone who understood the struggles she was going through, she was starting to think architecture wasn’t for her but she’d only been at the University for three weeks, Sam had assured her that it always got better she just had to stick it out
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