Sequel: Devils Spoke


Eye to eye, nose to nose, ripping off each others clothes.

When they reached the apartment Ali was surprised to find the apartment door already open, immediately her mind leapt the conclusion that her stupid sister had left it open when she’d got home from her shift at the bar, it probably made sense that the girl who broke in didn’t touch the door or windows when she had Ella for a flatmate. Ali pushed the door open quickly her body turned slightly in the direction of the hallway but when her eyes fell on the scene before her she let out a loud scream and fell backwards knocking Sam back into the corridor then slammed the door shut loudly

“What? What is it? Are you okay?” Sam asked quickly reaching for something at his back

“There is a half naked guy tied up in the doorway” her eyes were wide, every time she had to blink the image of his body was burnt into her eyelids. It wasn’t that his body was terrible but the entire situation she’d nearly brought her new friend into was terrible “he must be a friend of my sisters, she’s always bringing guys around…not that she’s a slut but they think of her as one of the guys, she can drink them under the table, god I’m rambling again” she pushed her fingers into her hair then slowly opened the door again, when she peaked in this time her sister was stood in front of him blocking him from her view “Ella?”

Her sister jumped and turned with wide eyes “can you please untie your…uh…your friend so I can come in, I’ve got someone with me”

“Is it Sam? Can’t you guys go back out for like…half an hour?” she pressed a quick kiss against Dean’s lips, Ali sighed and shook her head before stepping inside, she motioned Sam to follow with a dark blush that only became worse when the boys eyes grew ten times their normal size as they took in the situation, he swallowed deeply before clearing his throat, an amused smile across his face

“Dean” he nodded before sighing and running his hand over his face

“How do you know Sam?” Ali asked in confusion, she looked to Sam then to her sister then braved a look at Dean who grinned sheepishly “have you met my sister before?” more quickly her eyes began shooting between Ella and Sam, Ella had a similar look of confusion across her face while Sam was making faces at his brother “who are you? Are you even in my class?”

“Look” Sam started “look, we uh, we, me and my brother Dean heard about your break in and we just wanted to make sure that you guys were okay, we came here to see you before I went to the library to find you” he held his hands up in peace as an angered look fell across Ali’s face

“So you aren’t in my class? You were looking for me? Okay this is all just a little too weird for me. I knew I didn’t recognise you” her hands found her hips as she began to pace the floor in front of Sam “what are you? Some sort of unmasked protector? I don’t need your help, she hasn’t been back-”

“But she will be” Sam interrupted “that girl you saw was a ghost, she’s killed five girls in the last eighty years all of them matching your description Ali” Sam looked to Dean for help but he simply shrugged the best he could from where he was still tied up “she’ll be back on Sunday night and she’ll kill you Ali, you’ve got a future ahead of you think about it, you need our help”

“What?” Ali laughed nastily “you want me to believe that I’m going to be killed by a ghost that I supposedly saw in my hallway? Are you fucking nuts? Ghosts aren’t real” she yelled “I don’t know who the hell you guys are so please, Ella untie him so he can get dressed and leave with Sam if that’s even his real name”

“Look my name really is Sam and Dean really is my brother, we’re here to help you Ali or you might end up dead” Ali scoffed in disbelief, she crossed her arms over her chest and turned to watch her sister as she undid the knots around the muscular mans wrists. Quickly Dean gathered his clothing and pulled it on all under the watchful eye of Ella who had a small smirk on her lips

“I think Sam and Dean, you two should get out of here before I call the police. Your guns aren’t so well hidden and you would both do time for having them on you right now. Also the stalking charges would be pretty bad, so leave. Get out of here and if I see you around here again I won’t hesitate to call the police”.


Sam’s P.O.V

“Look Ali, please we’re tying to help you” I pleaded with Ali.

“No you guys lied to me and my sister, get out!” Ali shouted as she ran into another room. Sam started to go after her but felt something on his chest. He looked over to see Dean shaking his head with a sympathetic look on his face.

“Just leave her dude” Sam stared at his older brother before sighing and walking out of the apartment. Dean followed him out.

“Look man” Sam held up a hand to stop Dean from continuing.

“Forget it” Sam leaned against the closed door of the impalla “let’s just go”. Sam opened the door and before he slid in he looked up at Dean “So you honestly let her tie you up? I thought all of those kidnappings would kind of put you off it all together”

Dean chuckled “Dude that chick was wild!”. Sam sighed and slid into the car, Dean slid in after him. They drove towards their Motel. Sam laid his head back against the seat. Tonight was going to be a long night.


Sam sat down with his laptop at the table and thought of something to say to make Ali let them back in the house. Sam looked up at Dean for some help but Dean just opened his beer and took a sip.

“What?” Dean asked looking at Sam.

“Are you not going to think about this at all? We need to get back in that house at some point this week!” Sam raised his voice trying to get some kind of reaction “that girls going to die Dean and you’re sitting on your ass, drinking a beer like you don’t give a damn”

“She told us to stay away Sammy boy, she told us to stay out of her house and stay out of her way. Why should we help her if she doesn’t want it? We don’t even know what kind of ghost we’re dealing with Sam, we don’t even know WHY she’s there and WHY she’s killing girls” Dean resorted before taking a sip of his beer

“That’s just it Dean, it doesn’t matter why she’s there or why she’s killing them, the matter of fact is she’s killing girls and we know she’s going to kill another one and we can stop it, we just need to get back into that flat and I know we can stop it. Her bones are buried in there Dean, in that apartment under the floor boards”

“How do you know that?” Dean asked quietly with a raised eyebrow, he swung his legs from their resting place on top of the bed to sit his feet on the floor “how do you know that Sam?” he asked in a firmer tone

“I saw it, last night in a vision she’s under the sofa” Sam replied shyly as his eyes looked at his shoes “we know where she is, we just need to get into the apartment again” his eyes shot up and met with Dean’s

“Well” Dean sighed before finishing his beer “Ella said nothing about me staying away…” he smirked with raised eyebrows .
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