Status: Active

Without a Doubt, You're All I Dream About


Today was Ella’s second birthday and we were getting ready for her party that was starting in less than an hour hours. I was in the kitchen putting the final touches on all the food, Zack and Larisa were picking up the cake, Cassadee and Rian were picking up balloons, and Jack and Arabella were over here helping us. Arabella was setting everything out and Jack was supposed to be helping Alex get Ella dressed, but considering all the banging and giggling that was coming from upstairs I knew they weren’t doing their job.

“Mommy! Mommy!” I heard being yelled along with tiny feet coming down the stairs as fast as they could without getting hurt. “Mommy, where are you?!” She yelled from the living room

I chuckled and wiped my hands on the kitchen towel and moved to the living room, were I saw my daughter standing…in nothing but her diaper. I started laughing. “Sweetie, why aren’t you in your dress yet?” I asked her, picking her up.

“Daddy and Unca Jack say I can just wear dis.” She said.

I laughed and headed up to Ella’s Cinderella themed room. When I walked in I noticed two pairs of feet hanging from the raised bed.

“Alexander Gaskarth, Jack Barakat. Did you tell my daughter that she could go to her party naked?” I asked smacking both of their butts as I passed to Ella’s closet. Ella giggled as Alex and Jack groaned.

Alex came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a kiss on Ella’s head. “Aw, babe you know I wouldn’t do that.”

“BS, you are the one that actually showed up to a party in nothing but your boxers. So um, yeah you would.” I laughed. I grabbed the pink dress and turned back to the bed. “Jack, get off your lazy butt and go help your sister downstairs. People are going to start showing up soon and I feel like nothing is ready.”

“Fine, fine.” Jack got off the bed and went downstairs.

“Blake, Zack just texted me he and Larisa are on their way over now.” Alex said.

“Okay, can you please get your daughter dressed?” I asked handing Ella over to Alex and placing the dress on the bed.

“Sure thing babe.” Alex placed a kiss on my cheek before tickling the toddler.

I smiled at my boyfriend and our daughter before heading back to the kitchen.

Two years ago today my life was changed forever, but for the best. Daniella Anne Gaskarth was born and I couldn’t have been happier. Sure at first both Alex and I were shocked that I was pregnant, but as time went on we both became more excited.

When I reached the kitchen, Larisa was helping Arabella put streamers on the doors and ceiling. I walked over to the counter and started putting the food out on the table. I looked around, but the cake was no where to be seen which made me panic.

"Riss, where is the cake?" I asked, trying to stay calm.

"Oh, Zack is bringing it inside right now." She said, right when Zack was walking in the kitchen.

"Chill out, Blake. It's right here."

I sighed as I heard screaming coming down the stairs. I laughed when Alex walked in the room with Ella on his shoulders.

"Lemme down, daddy!" She screamed as soon as she saw her cake.

He set her down and she ran towards Zack. He laughed, picked her up and kissed her on her head. I'm glad I made the decision of making Larisa and Zack the godparents. They loved Ella, which made me extremely happy.

Larisa and Zack got engaged about six months ago when All Time Low was on tour. He proposed just like he asked her out -- on stage. They would be getting married in a couple of weeks, and I was excited. I couldn't wait until Alex and I got married, but I have no idea when that would be.I couldn't wait until Alex and I got married, but I have no idea when that would be. I wasn't in any rush though, I was happy with my life right now. I had a family and friends that I love and love me back.

Five minutes later Rian and Cassadee walked in with two dozen pink and purple balloons. Cassadee also had a few princess and 'I'm 2 today' balloons mixed in with hers.

"Oh thank God you guys are here." I gushed as I practically pulled the two of them into the living room. "Cass, can you and Arabella start tying these down?"

"No problem Blake." Cassadee said starting to hand off balloons to Arabella.

"Okay, Zack do you mind babysitting the birthday girl while I steal the rest of the boys to help set up outside?"

"Not at all." He blew on Ella's stomach, causing her to giggle. "Come on El, let's go play in your room for a little bit." Zack said heading up the stairs.

"Alex, Rian, and Jack. You guys have a playset to set up outback. Larisa I need your help with food and drinks." I directed where everone needed to go and what they needed to do. I was in full freak out stress mode.

Larisa made her way into the kitchen as Rian and Jack went out to the backyward to start building Ella's birthday present. Before I went into the kitchen i stopped and ran my hands through my hair trying to calm down some.

"Blake, calm down. You are too stressed out. Everything will be find, you're doing wonderfully. Just breathe." Alex placed a kiss on my lips, instantly drawing all the breath from my lungs. "Relax."

I chuckled. "How can you tell me to breathe when you kiss me like that." I smiled.

"I'm just good like that." He kissed me again before heading out to the backyard.

Fifteen minutes later everything was ready. Ella was excited, the boys finished the playset, and the girls and I got all the decorations up. Guests were starting to arrive and the party was in full swing.

Ella was being passed from person to person and she couldn't have been any happier, she was the center of attention. Finally it was time for presents, I grabbed the bouncing toddler and sat on the floor with her. Alex was in charge of handing the presents to Ella, Larisa was in charge of trash, Arabella was in charge of keep record of who gave what, and Zack was in charge of taking pictures.

Three hours later, and we had finally cleaned up and put the birthday girl to bed. I was extremely exhausted, and as I hit my bed, I was sure to be out within minutes. Alex walked in with only pajama pants on.

"I have to admit, today was fun." He smiled.

"Yeah, it was. It was hectic though, and now I'm ready for bed." I said yawning.

"Goodnight baby, I love you," He said kissing my forehead.

"I love you too, goodnight babe." I said.

I turned over, and within minutes I had fallen asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
first chapter! :D

hope you guys liked it.
i didn't really like it to be honest, so hopefully it'll get better.
puertoricanpensfan actually helped me write this, so thank you lovely(: <3333

Ella's Room
Ella's Birthday Dress
Birthday Cake
Daniella Anne Gaskarth

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