Status: Active

Without a Doubt, You're All I Dream About


Today, I was going with Larisa to help pick out her wedding cake. She was panicking because the wedding was coming up and she didn't have the cake picked out yet.

The wedding was purple themed, and it was absolutely amazing. She already had her wedding dress, the maid of honor/bridesmaids, and the flower girl's dress picked out. All we needed now was the wedding cake.

"So, what kind of cake do you want, darlin?" I asked.

"I don't know. Something purple and elegant, definitely unique!" She said, excitedly.

When I opened the door to the bakery I was hit with the scent of freshly baked bread. It reminded me when I was a little girl, my mom used to bake bread all the time. We walked up to the counter and were greeted by a little old man.

"Hello ladies. How can I help you?"

"Hello, I need a wedding cake made by May 15th." I stated.

"Okay, do you know what you want?"

"Uhm, something elegant, unique, and purple." Larisa smiled.

"Why don't you take a look at the book, it has a huge amount of unique wedding cakes." He said pointing over to the end of the counter.

"Thank you." She said.

We walked over to the book, and started looking at all the pictures. Nothing really caught our eyes, everything was pink or yellow.

"You know, I always figured you'd be the one to have a kid first." I chuckled

"Yeah, and I always saw you getting married first."

"Me too. But I'm happy with what I got, Ella is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Being a mom is fun and exciting, but also stressful." I smiled.

"Yeah, I'll find that out in nine months." She said quietly.

"What?! YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" I yelled, causing the other customers to look around.

"Shhh, but yes, I'm three weeks pregnant." She smiled.

"Oh my God! Do you know what you wanna have?"

"I'm hoping for twins. I want a boy and a girl, Carmen Marie and Nathan Tyler."

"I'm going to be the godmama right?"

"But of course! Zack and I have decided that you and Alex are going to be the godparents." She said.

"Awh, thank you. Does anyone else know?"

"No, but you can tell only Alex."

"Okay, you're secret is safe with us." I smiled.

We continued to chat and look through the pictures. About twenty minutes later we had found a cake that she loved. We showed the old man, he said it wouldn't be a problem and it would be ready by the wedding. We thanked him, left the bakery and headed back to my house.

A few months before Ella was born, Alex and I moved out of Rian's and bought a house by a lake. We liked it out there, no one could bother us. It was my dream house, to go along with my wonderful family.

When we pulled into the driveway, Larisa decided she was going to go home and rest, I didn't blame her either. I walked inside and found Alex in the living room. He was wearing fairy wings and a tiara, had The Little Mermaid on the big screen. Ella was in his arms fast asleep, I guess she couldn't stay awake for the whole movie.

"Don't even think about laughing." He said.

"I'm can't help it, it's fucking hysterical." I chuckled.

"Can you just please get your daughter?" He whined.

I walked over to the couch, picked up Ella and made my way upstairs. I put her in her Cinderella bed and walked back to my room to find Alex already laying in bed. I quickly changed and put on a pair of shorts and his Glamour Kills shirt. I climbed in bed beside Alex and sighed.

"Larisa is pregnant." I stated.

"Holy shit, I saw that coming."

"I know, we're going to be the godparents."

"Fucking sweet!"


"You okay baby?" He asked, pulling me into his chest.

"Yeah, I'm just really tired. I had a really long day."

"So did I. We played princess with Jack and Rian. It was kinda funny."

I chuckled, those poor boys.

"I'm going to sleep baby. I'm taking Ella to the park tomorrow, so I need sleep."

"Okay, goodnight. I love you."

"Love you too." I said, kissing his jaw line.

I closed my eyes and layed there thinking.

I can't wait for my wedding day.
♠ ♠ ♠
hope you guys liked it!
i enjoyed writing this chapter (:

Alex and Blake's house
Larisa's engagement ring
Larisa's wedding cake

thank you to: puertoricanpensfan, TrishaxMelissa, SpinningInCircles, LeT_ThE_rAiN_cOmE, jordistack, InsomniaticNightmare, youngnnative, f-lies, and BrownSugar (:

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