Status: Active

Without a Doubt, You're All I Dream About


Larisa and I were sitting on the blanket I had laid out for us to sit on while we watched Ella chase a butterfly next to us.

“So are you excited for your wedding?” I asked, leaning back on my elbows and lifting my face to the warm sun.

“I am. Blake, I’ve never felt like this with anyone else before. I really do love him.” She smiled
I hugged my best friend. “I’m so happy for you, girl. So who all is in the wedding?”

“Well you and Alex of course. Rian and Cassadee and Jack.”

“No date for Jack?”

Larisa shook her head sadly. “No, the poor boy has been moping around got weeks now. I think he feels a bit left out and I feel bad for him.”

I nodded in agreement. I’ve noticed it too. Sure Jack was still fun to hang out with, but we could all see that something was bothering him. “We should hook him up with someone.” I thought out loud.

“Like a blind date?”

I nodded and thought some about who we could hook him up with. “Do you know of anyone that would go out with Jack and be good for him?”

“Actually I do. One of my co-workers. She’s like perfect for Jack. I will call her tonight and get back to you. But I have to go right now so I will text you later and tell you what she says.” She smiled and jumped up.

“Okay, sounds good to me.” I gave Larisa a hug and then turned to my daughter. “Come on Ella, let’s go as well. You need a nap.” I folded the blanket. Larisa gave Ella a kiss before heading to her car.

Later that night while Alex and I were watching a movie after we put Ella to bed, Larisa texted me.
She’s game. Saturday night.

I smiled and quickly sent a text to Jack.

[Are you free Saturday?

“What are you smiling at?” Alex asked, with a smile on his face.

“Nothing.” I said innocently

“You are so lying.”

I sighed dramatically. “Fine if you must know, Larisa and I are setting Jack up on a blind date.”


“Because we feel that he feels left out because all of you guys have girlfriends and he’s alone. He deserves to be happy as well.”

“He does, I think a blind date might be good for him.”

I smiled and kissed Alex. I didn’t get a response from Jack until a little after two in the morning while Alex and I were laying in bed.

Yea I should be

I smiled and sent a reply.

Good, make sure you are. I will text you later in the week with details. ;) Love ya Jack
“I hope you two didn’t pick some crazy bitch” Alex said from next to me.

“We didn’t, Larisa works with her. She can’t be too crazy, she’s a teacher.” I chuckled.

“Dude, I had some pretty fucking crazy teachers.”

“Babe, that’s because you probably drove them nuts.” I laughed.

“Same thing.”

My phone buzzed in my hand.

[ b]lol love you too Blaky-cake. You’re not setting me up are you?

I laughed at my nickname and I could just picture him practically squirming in his seat.

Maaaayyyybe ;) I laughed and turned off my phone going to bed. I just hoped this worked out, I wanted my friend to be happy.
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puertoricanpensfan helped me on thisss (:

enjoyyy <3333

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