Status: Active

Without a Doubt, You're All I Dream About


Jack’s POV

I was nervous, tonight was my date with Larisa’s friend. I found out that she liked hockey and that her team, the Pittsburgh Penguins, were playing the Washington Capitals at the Verizon Center. When I found this out, I booked a suite and we were going to the game. Along with Larisa, Zack, Alex, Blake, Rian, and Cassadee. To say that I was shocked that my friends’ girlfriends liked hockey was an understatement, well at least when it came to Blake. I also decided that the two hour drive into D.C was a great chance to get to know Mia.

I checked myself in the mirror one last time before heading downstairs.

“Arabella, get you ass moving! We need to leave…like now!” I called to my sister as I walked past her room and out to the car. Five minutes later she comes bouncing out of the house and to the car. I pulled out of the driveway and we were on our way to Alex and Blake’s place since Arabella was watching Ella. When we got there, Blake started acting like any mother would when leaving her child alone for a period of time. Once Blake gave Arabella instructions, we made our way to Mia’s house.

“Relax Jack,” Blake told me, placing a hand on my shoulder, when I pulled up to Mia’s house. “She’s a great girl. I have hung out with her and Larisa plenty of times.”

“Thanks Blakey-Cake.” I smiled at my friend before slipping out of the car and making my way to her door. I took a deep breath before placing three solid knocks on the door. I held that breath as I waited for the door to open. My heart was pounding away in my chest while I waited. I haven’t been this nervous about a date since high school.

Slowly the door opened and standing in front of me was a beautiful blonde with piercing blue eyes. Her blond locks here pulled back into a simple ponytail. She was wearing light washed skinny jeans, a simple black V-neck, and Vans. Under her arm she had a black and yellow piece if clothes, my guess was it was a jersey.

She flashed the prettiest smile at me before speaking. “You must Jack, Larisa told me so much about you.”

I smiled. “Good things I hope.”

She chuckled. “Some.” she winked at me.

“Well, are you ready to go? We have a not of a drive ahead of us.”

She smiled and nodded before locking up the house. I gave her my elbow and led her to the car. I quickly opened the car door for her and she instantly squealed when she spotted Blake. “Blake! I didn’t know you guys were coming too. What a wonderful surprise, makes this a lot less nerve racking.” She blushed.

So I wasn’t the only one that was nervous about tonight. Good.

Blake laughed, “Nothing to be nervous about. Like Larisa and I told you, Jack is a teddy bear.” She winked at me in the rearview mirror and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, duh! Mia, this is my boyfriend Alex, Alex this is Mia. She and Larisa work together and speaking of Larisa, she and Zack are meeting us at the arena. Along with Rian and his girlfriend, Cassadee. Again, don’t worry because they are all really sweet. Well you already know Zack and Larisa are.”

Alex chuckled and kissed his girlfriend. “Babe, chill. I know you are excited, but don’t scare her away.”

“Yeah,” I yelled. “That’s my job.” We all laughed.

For the rest of the ride Alex and Blake sat in the back talking quietly and Mia and I did the same. I found out that she lived in Pittsburgh, but was born in Canada. She moved to Baltimore last year for her job and loves it here. She’s an only child but has a huge extended family that she was close with.

As we continued to talk, I found myself relaxing a great deal. Mia is a great girl, she’s funny, smart, sweet, beautiful, and she liked sports. I always found it hot when girls were into sports for the sport and not for the guys. As we drove, I saw myself with her for a long time. Something that caught me surprise. Mia glanced at me with a small smile playing on her lips and I couldn’t help but smile back. Is this how the other guys felt when they met their girls, I wondered.

Two hours later we were pulling into the parking garage a few blocks from the Verizon Center. When we got out of the car, Mia slipped on her jersey over her shirt. Mia wasn’t the only sporting the black and yellow jersey. Larisa was wearing one with the number fifty-eight on the back along with the name Letang. Blake's jersey had the number eleven on the back with the name Staal, and Mia's was seventy-one with the name Malkin.

“Question. Blake, Larisa when the hell did you two start liking hockey?” I asked, looking them over in the jerseys. I heard Zack mumble ‘uh-oh’ under his breath as Larisa froze and spun around, glaring at me with fire spitting from her eyes. Can I just say, this chick was scary when she’s pregnant. Damn hormones.

“What, just because we are girls means we can’t like hockey?” She questioned.

“Not at all, I just didn’t think you like it. That’s all.”

Larisa took a deep breath and gave me an apologetic smile. “Sorry Jack, hormones. Yes I like hockey, always have. You guys just never asked.” She shrugged.

I smiled at her. “How ’bout you Blake? Wanna rip my throat out now?” I joked.

She laughed and wrapped her arms around my waist. “I think you had enough of that from when I was pregnant and now you are going to get it from Larisa.” She smiled at her best friend. “I’ve liked hockey pretty much since I became friends with Larisa. It was kinda hard not to when she’s this in love with it.” Blake looked at her friend again. “Just be careful Riss. You are pregnant now, you can’t get as worked up as you normally do.”

Larisa stuck her tongue out at Blake and we all laughed and made our way to the arena as soon as Rian and Cassadee showed up. The eight of us made our way to the suite we rented so we wouldn’t be bothered by too many fans. We just wanted one of those rare days with out friends and family without too many interruptions.

“Jack, the girls and I are going to go down to the ice for warm-ups. We’ll be back before the first period starts.” Mia said before pulling my three giggling friends behind her. I watched them as they walked out of the room with a smile on my face.

“I haven’t seen a smile like that on your face since Ella was born and you held her for the first time.” Alex said, handing me a beer. Us for guys were leaning on the railing and looking at the ice, watching the warm-ups. As I scanned the crowd, my eyes fell on a familiar blonde waving at one of the players I couldn’t keep the smile off my face.

“Yeah I know, I really do like her.” I stated. “She’s a great girl.”

“She really is, I’ve met her a few times.” Zack said taking a sip of his own beer. “She’s usually quiet and shy, but she’s opening up to you. Go for it man, I mean you haven’t had a steady girl in a long time.” He gave me a sympathetic look and I couldn’t even be pissed at him because it was true.

I nodded my head. “I think I am.”

As warm-ups continued, the four of us talked about our upcoming tour. Alex didn’t want to leave Ella, but when she was born Blake had set a strict no touring with daddy rule, so he was trying to spend as much time with his daughter as he could. He was also becoming a bit depressed, but we all didn’t want to leave our ‘niece’. Zack told Larisa to stay back this time because ‘Blake was going to be lonely’, but we all knew he didn’t want her touring because of the baby. Rian wasn’t worried because this time we were touring with Hey Monday, so he would get to see Cassadee everyday. Arabella, of course was still going to help Vinny with merch.

“Hey Jack, bring Mia. Show her what you do.” Rian suggested as we watched the girls make their way back to the suite.

Bring Mia? That seemed like the perfect idea. We can spend all the time we want together and get to know each other. I decided that I would ask her later. Eventually the girls returned and the game started, I would watch her and the smile that was permenant on her face made one creep onto mine. She would cheer, dance, scream, and yell at the refs. Blake and Larisa were right there with her, none of them ever sitting down.

“It’s hot isn’t it?” Zack asked, nodding to the three girls getting upset about a hit.

I nodded in agreement. It was indeed a big turn on seeing her get so into it. During the intermission, I grabbed Mia‘s hand and we walked around the concourse. I hesitantly wrapped my arm around her waist.

“So, are you having fun?” I asked, even though it was clear she was.

She nodded and tucked a lose strand of her hair behind her ear. “I am. I know we haven’t had a chance other than this to be alone, but this has been one of the best first dates that I have had..” She smiled.

I couldn’t help but smile at her, she fit it in well with my friends and I couldn’t be happier because if my friends didn’t like a girl or they didn’t get along I wouldn’t date her, because my friends were my family. The two of us continued to walk around and talk. I learned she was an only child and use to live in Canada before moving to Baltimore for her job. We made our way back to the suite and noticed that everyone slpit up into their couples and were in different parts of the suite. Mia and I joined Blake and Alex in the seats in front of the suite and we continued to watch the game. Again, I couldn’t help but smile when Blake and Mia yelled at a play or even danced together.

When the game ended our group made our way back to the parking garage, being loud like we normally are.

“Hey Jack, Larisa and Zack are going to take us home.” Blake said as we got to the cars.

I looked at her and gave her a small smile. I knew she was giving Mia and I time alone. I owed her and Alex a night of babysitting for this. “Are you sure?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“Yes and I already told Arabella she can stay with us. I haven’t really hung out with her in a while so it will be no problem what so ever.” She winked before giving me a hug. “Have fun tonight, you deserve it.” She whispered

“Mia, don’t let him scare you away. He’s a big teddy bear. I had a great time tonight. We need to hang out some more.” Blake hugged Mia “I hope to see you around soon.”

“I hope so too.” Mia smiled.

The rest of my friends said their goodbyes and Alex yelled something about band practice before getting into Zack’s car.

I helped Mia into the car before jogging around the front and sliding into the driver’s seat. I quickly turned the music down and pulled out of the parking lot. For the first few minutes of the car ride we were silent.

“I really like your friends.” Mia smiled. “Especially Larisa and Blake, though I already knew them so I don’t think it counts.”

I shook my head. “They count, believe me they do. Blake is like a mother to us all, she’s important. Larisa is…how to explain Larisa. She’s just like Blake I guess, we listen to them no matter what.”

She looked at me with a small smile on her lips and I had to resist the urge to kiss her right then and there. “You guys are like one big family aren’t you?”

“That we are. We can talk about anything with each other and we won’t get judged. We look out for each other, even the little ones.” I smiled, picturing Ella.

She smiled and me and we continued to talk as I drove. Finally I got the courage to ask her about tour.

“So Mia you know that I am in a band right?” She nodded with a smile so I continued. “Well, I was wondering if you wanted to join us on tour? Normally Blake and Larisa would be going with us, but since Larisa is pregnant and Blake has to take care of Ella they are staying back. So it might be as fun as it normally would be, but my little sister is going and we are touring with Casadee so she’ll be there.”

“Jack, you’re rambling. I would love to go with you guys. I’ll just have to take some vacation time.” She smiled.

I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. I was really liking Mia, she was pretty, smart, funny, and she fit right in my friends. Her going on tour with us was something I would be looking forward to.

This tour, would be by far the best tour I probably will ever have.
♠ ♠ ♠
my best friend helped me with this chapter.
i hope ya'll we're okay with the hockey,
i'm kinda in love with that as well as all time low :D

soo, guyss. i got a tumblr :D <3
its like a band//hockey tumblr soo, seriously don't hate.
message me on here and let me know if you wanna follow me and i'll give you the url (:
i don't biteee, promise ;)

about Mia, yeah she's staying so get used to her (:
here's what she looks like:
and if you guys know anything about hockey, and know what pucksluts are, i assure you, she's not going to be one.

and if you guys aren't hockey fans, and got confused about the suite, this is what a hockey suite looks like:
Hockey Suite

happy reading :D <3

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