Status: Active

Without a Doubt, You're All I Dream About


Today, Larisa and I were going to her dress fitting. The wedding was less than a week and a half away and there was still so much that needed to be done. Ella’s dress had already come in, now all we needed to do was get the wedding dress ready. Larisa had asked if Alex and I would do the toasts at the wedding, and we were honored that they decided to ask us.

Alex and Rian were watching Ella today so I could do errands with Larisa. They said something about taking her to the park, but knowing those two, they were going to do something different.

Reality hit Larisa and I as soon as we walked into the store. We realized that she was going to be soon married and a mom. I was really happy for her, but at the same time I was a bit jealous. I know I shouldn’t be, only because I’m grateful for the family I have right now. It’s just that I’m pretty sure Alex hasn’t even thought about marriage yet, and Larisa’s already getting married. I know I was acting stupid, and I just needed to get over it, and when Alex wanted to marry me then he would propose.

I tuned back into reality when the employees brought out Larisa’s dress. It was a white, strapless dress. It looked so elegant with its long train and it had flowers embroidered onto the dress. Larisa instantly started jumping up and down, I just laughed at her. The employees took her into the back room to help her put her dress on to see if they needed to do any last minute alterations.

She looked so beautiful when she walked out; my eyes were instantly filled with tears. She was like my sister, we’ve been through everything together and I honestly couldn’t believe I was seeing her in her wedding dress. God only knows how we’ll be on her wedding day.

“Riss, you look gorgeous.” I said.

“Thanks babe. Do you think Zack will like it?”

“If he doesn’t, then I’ll personally punch him for you. Not like he’ll feel it though.”

Larisa laughed, and turned around to look into the mirror. It looked like something was bothering her, and she knew I could tell.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing.” She paused, taking in a breath. “I just don’t want anything to happen to us, Blake. I seriously do love him.”

“I know you do, and nothing will happen. I promise you. Zack loves you too much to let anything happen. By the way, completely off topic, but when do you find out what you’re having?”

“I think pretty soon. I’m not sure though, it’s on my calendar at home.”

“Well for one thing, you don’t even look pregnant. You don’t even have a stomach yet.”

“Yeah, I know. I guess that’s a plus for my wedding day.” She chuckled.

As soon as she finished my sentence, my phone started ring. I started to sift through my purse for it, but it was at the bottom of my bag. When I found it, I looked at the screen and saw it was Alex.

I wonder what kind of trouble Rian and Alex have gotten my daughter into now, I thought to myself.


“Hey sexy thang, what are you wearing?” A voice said.

“Hello to you too, Rian. What’s up? Where’s Alex?” I replied.

“Oh he’s right here. Daniella is currently throwing a fit, so he made me call you.”

“I’m not coming to help you guys. I’m with Riss, we’re doing wedding stuff.”

“No, you don’t need to come. Ella is throwing a fit cause she wants to see Zack, so we were wondering if you two wanted to meet us back at Zack and Larisa’s house.” He said.

“Oh, uhm, lemme ask Riss if she’s okay with it.”

I put the phone down and explained the whole thing to Larisa. I didn’t really know what her answer would be because we’re supposed to be running errands today. She ended up agreeing to go back to her house, only because she was starting to feel sick.

“We’ll be there in about fifteen minutes.” I said.

“Okay, we’ll be there in about 10. Alex finally got Ella calmed down. We’ll see you soon.”

“Bye, Ri.” I pressed the end button and put the phone back in my purse.

We grabbed her wedding dress and walked out to my car. It was going to take us about 10 minutes to get to her house. The entire ride we talked about what other stuff we had to do for the wedding, which honestly wasn’t much.

Before we knew it we had reached the house and we were pulling in the driveway right behind Alex and Zack’s cars. I turned off the car and stepped out of the car. Larisa and I were still talking about the wedding until we reached the door. That’s when we heard screaming and crying.

I opened the door and was immediately bombarded by Ella, who was crying hysterically. Alex had cornered Zack and someone else in the living room. He was going completely crazy, and Rian was trying to calm him down but Alex wasn’t listening to him.

I called Rian over and told him to take Ella and stay with Larisa by the door. When I got closer to Alex, I started to slow down. It wasn’t until I was right beside him that I realized who was beside Zack.
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enjoy (: