Status: Erm?

Requiem for the Undead

Born in this world as it all falls apart

I was running; running from the thing that everyone ran from these days. Normally it was your fears, but in my case -in the whole world's case- it was (but not necessarily restricted to) the night walkers. The vereimeja, vampires, strigoi, whatever you like to call them. They're the disease of our world and it just so happened to be my luck that I was at the wrong place at the wrong time and said some wrong things. Wrong things that I regretted the moment they left my lips.

I never once thought I could outrun him but I wasn't the type of person that went down easily. You only have one life and I chose to fight for mine; I was running as fast as my legs would let me. My ribs were on fire, I was out of breath and I couldn't see where I was going. It was dark and foggy. The best setting to be running from something that plans on killing you.

I couldn't hear him. I could only hear the pounding in my chest and the crunching of the dead leaves beneath my feet. I didn't dare risk my chances to live just to know if they were actually there or not. I would know when they caught me.

As you probably know this would go absolutely no where if there weren't some problem. Every other day I could've ran like hell through the woods, gotten to the other side, and continued home safely but that isn't how these things start.

I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me back onto the cold hard ground. A foot slammed into my stomach before I could process what was happening, then kicked my side. I tried to scream but the only thing that came out was a cough; a lot of them. I was on my hands and knees coughing up a storm when he spoke,

"Awe, what's that? Cat caught your tongue? Too bad. Next time, you might want to think twice before you insult someone like me." With that his foot collided with my face and I flopped over and hit the tree I now noticed I was near. I just laid there, clutching my stomach in pain. I didn't make a sound; nothing to fuel his fire, but he bent down, grabbed my forearm and pulled me to my feet anyway. He leaned in close, and with his free hand took a hand-full of my dark hair and brought it to his nose. He inhaled and sighed. "Pity."

The only thing I felt after that was pain. Immense pain, as he yanked my hair aside, trapped me against the tree and sank his fangs into my skin. I -for lack of a better word- whimpered, not knowing what else to do or how to assess the situation, then, realizing what he was doing I found my voice and screamed. Oh, how I screamed. It was ear splitting and it wasn't even for that fact that it hurt.

He drank deep. I could feel it; his mouth clamped against my neck, sucking out my blood like I was some human straw. And I barely knew any of it was happening. One second I was running, the next my greatest fear realized. I felt him stop for a moment every once in a while to swallow the contents in his mouth and I shivered and clawed at his arms holding me in place. It was the worst feeling. I guess I deserved it.

His incisors sank deeper into my veins and it was then that I knew he was trying to kill me. I yelped and cried out for help but his hand silenced me. I was getting so tired. I wasn't even fighting anymore. I was hoping he'd tire of the game, feel mercy now I'd learned my lesson. I was hoping he'd let me go.

My eye lids grew heavy, and my body slumped against him.

His lips curled into a smirk against my skin but his pride was cut short when a branch snapped somewhere behind us and a figure emerged from the darkness. I couldn't quite see who -or what- it was, but I heard a low menacing growl. Before I knew it, I couldn't feel him near me anymore and I was lying on the ground gasping for a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I coughed again and my hands instinctively felt at my neck and I stared in horror as I saw they were covered in blood. My blood.

It hurt to cry. I might've had a few broken ribs to add to my other injuries. I didn't want to move, I didn't want to do anything but I knew I had to. I had to figure something out if I wanted to live another day, and boy did I want to. I was going to live to see the day where I wouldn't have to be afraid of this any more. Where no one would have to be afraid.

I forgot all about the fact that I surely wasn't alone. Something had scared him away and it wasn't my tears. Slowly, but surely I made it to my feet, leaning against the trunk of an oak tree for support. I was clutching my neck as blood urged to seep through my quivering fingers. I couldn't see anything. Whoever it was that came to my rescue was gone and as far as I knew I was alone and I wasn't going to waste my time in case they changed their mind and came back.

I started again through the woods; back the way I came.

The sun was slowly rising back into the sky as morning was around the corner and I reached town. Vampires normally didn't walk among us during the day. Not because they couldn't but because they just didn't want to. It wasn't their style. So us humans have the whole day to fret about the night. And what lurks in it. I was, more or less safe. But I couldn't let my gaurd down; anything could happen.

I got a few -maybe a lot more but I wasn't counting- concerned glances thrown my way as I trudged through the dirt streets of town. And it was mere seconds before I was picked up and carried away. Moments after that I was lying in bed and a mask was placed over my face. People I didn't know surrounded me and were telling me everything was going to be alright. I relaxed and everything faded away.

That was the first time I'd been bitten.