Status: Erm?

Requiem for the Undead

Nothing I can do

I really didn't want to do any of this, but it wasn't my choice at all. I had to listen to them, or face the consequences.

She was asleep. A really good drug induced sleep. She wouldn't have been sleeping otherwise. She was one of those humans that just wouldn't give up, no matter the cost. And I pitied her. Though she couldn't be old enough to remember what it was like before all this, I felt bad that she was growing up in it now. No one deserved to be put through this, but it had to be done.

I could feel her pulse all through my body, beating at such a slow, even pace that I had to actually concentrate on my movements and where I was going. It was so long since I'd felt warmth on any human-being. It was just weird and unnatural to me, probably as much as it was to her that I didn't have a heartbeat.

She was so frail, and small, malnourished even -which is understandable, most people these days were- And precious and fragile, like every human was. I didn't believe that she was able to fight back against all those people that went after her, but I could feel how strong her heart was. No wonder they picked her

I continued on my way, with her in my arms, for a few hours before I was confronted with another issue. If she was to wake up before I arrived at my destination I didn't know exactly how I would handle it. I didn't want to be the one to tell her. As a matter of fact, I didn't want to be around at all when she was told. It would break her, and I didn't want to be the cause of it. I never wanted to be the cause of anyone's pain.

That didn't happen though, as karma was on my side tonight, and on top of that I got back before anyone else did. I wasn't that surprised, the humans would fight. It was inevitable when you're threatening to take away their freedom. They would fight till the end.

The house was dimly lit with a sort of golden aura. Peaceful and serene, only when the rest of the household wasn't present. Nonchalantly, I -carefully- took off my jacket and hung it on the coat rack beside the door, and started up the grand-staircase in the foyer. She stirred slightly in my arms and I panicked, almost running down the hallway to the first empty room and placing her delicate figure on the soft, cashmere sheets.

I left her there, too afraid to stay and watch over her. She'd wake up soon and I wasn't sticking around to see her reaction. I locked the door, just in case.

Facing everyone about it was harder than it should have been. I recalled the looks on every one of their faces when I'd suggested that we not take the humans and then the looks on the humans' faces when they did anyway. They were scared, no, terrified. The image was still haunting me.

I stared blankly at the group in front of me. Their hallow expressions weren't exactly the best in the world and didn't ease any of the anxious feelings reeking havoc in my stomach .

"How many of them are dead?" I knew the answer wasn't a good one. That girl's whole expectations of the world depended on that answer though. It was only natural that my kind heart hoped for the best.

"Almost all of them. They either died fighting back or they killed themselves. Poor pathetic creatures."

"They are just as pathetic as we are. If our kind has to do that sort of thing just to survive then we might as well be worse." I felt as though I'd just torn a bible in front of a very religious family. The room stayed quiet, as if they were contemplating what they should do with me. They probably were, seeing as my father was among them and he didn't approve the fact that his only son was a human lover. Not that I actually treated them any better than my father did.

"Someone needs to put you in your place, boy. You don't side with them. They were put on this world to be hunted. And hunted they shall be. "

"They were here before us, father! If anyone is to be hunted, it's us." I may have stepped a bit out of line there, apparent from all their gasps, but it was cruel what my own kind did. I may have been the only vampire with a conscience.

I knew I was no longer welcomed -I'm not entirely sure if I ever was- so I retreated to the same room I'd came from. I wanted to check on her. Even though, I knew exactly what she'd be like.