Status: Erm?

Requiem for the Undead


I woke up, totally in a daze as if I'd just woken up from a dream too long and elaborate to comprehend.
That and I felt sick, not throw-up-sick, but more like I-haven't-eaten-for-a-while-and-my-body-is-feeding-off-its-fat-sick.
Accompanied by the worst headache of the century. My hand rose up to massage my forehead, the center of the pain.
My first instinct was to lay back down and go to sleep.

My second was to get up and run.

After about 10 minutes of sitting there wondering where I was, it all came back to be. I remembered a fire, gunshots, and everything else I could've imagined. They were everywhere; my home, my town, it was surrounded. I instantly thought about my neighbors, my friends, and what could've happened to them. Most importantly Sevin. I prayed that he was safe.

Panic set in my chest as I realized I wasn't in my own bed; safe and sound, but instead I was entwined with soft red sheets that were probably too expensive to give a name to.
I shot up then, tearing away from them and checked every inch of my being for a bruise, a scratch, anything. Then, as I rolled up my sleeves, there it was. A small, almost invisible red bump on the inside of my elbow. Undeniable proof that I hadn't come here on my own, I'd been drugged. Coming to that conclusion quickly did help me tie a few things together. Memory lost, a headache, dizziness -which I'd added to the list about 5 seconds ago- I cursed myself, how could I have let this happen? I could've fought them off.

I knew exactly where I was.

Sevin always told me to think rationally through any situation and to always keep your mind clear and free of distractions. I tried to do that now but I was overflowing with questions. Some of them I could've probably answered myself if I had enough time.
Slowly, but surely, I made my way around the room, unconsciously examining every crack, every crevice every dust-bunny. The lines on the floor, the small spider cautiously building his home in a safe location in the corner of the ceiling. I looked over everything, though I wasn't too sure why. It was just a thing I did. That and I thought it might be the right thing to do; to know what my options were. Fighting or running.

The room was relatively bare. No windows, just an elegant canopy style bed that had probably been carved by hand, an almost bare bookshelf, a dresser -also radiating with a hint of age and elegance- and that was about it. Besides the two doors, one I assumed was a bathroom the other was the entrance. Or for me, hopefully, my way out. I started to wonder what my own fate was. I was afraid. So, so very afraid. My head was telling me to find a way out, but curiosity always slipped through my decisions. I wanted to know now, I wanted to dissect their secrets, I wanted to be the one that got inside and lived to tell the tale. I knew how crazy it was, and how unbearably risky it was, but I was already here.

I knew, of course, that the door to the room was locked so I didn't even bother trying. Instead, I examined the bathroom, which was surprisingly modern compared to the furnishings outside. I took a look in the mirror that was hanging above the sink and was pleased with what I saw.

My hair was a tattered mess, it would probably take a couple days to brush through it. My face was how I left it this morning, greasy and unclean. I didn't even want to get started on my clothes, but everything was a perfect disaster. Just the way I liked it.

Suddenly, I heard a click outside and only assumed that someone had unlocked the door; preparing to enter. I panicked, no longer thinking clearly I quickly shut the bathroom door and turned off the light, hoping they would think i escaped when they didn't find me where I was supposed to be. I hated feeling like a little kid when they're left home by themselves, but I was only human.

I held my breath and listened carefully. The door had swung open with a swift squeaking nose, and I heard footsteps then the door close and lock again. After that I heard nothing, which made my heartbeat quicken. I really didn't know what to expect. The only vampires I had ever known took a bite out of me, one way or another. No pun intended. I nearly jumped when I heard a voice, someone cursing, considering how deep it was I guess it was a male. The foot steps got louder as they neared the bathroom, but my ears were still suction-cupped to the door. He groaned, throwing the sheets off the bed, and cursed again.

It got quiet again, and I looked around quickly for something, anything, I could fight with. The only thing I came up with was the metal bar holding up the shower curtain, but when I went to yank on it, it didn't budge. As the silence outside the room continued, I discovered a bottle of hairspray in the cabinet under the sink. I really didn't believe it would do anything, but it was all I had.

I stood there, frozen, waiting for something to happen.

And it did.

The door opened and I let out some sort of battle cry and emptied the contents into the intruder's face. All while, maneuvering around them and running out into the suite


I made a run at the door and hit it head on, hoping It'd be just as ancient as the rest of room. It proved to be a bad idea. I nearly bounced back and fell over, but I regained my composure and thought I'd fret about the huge bruise I'd have on my shoulder later. I turned around, completely ready to fight back at anything that came near me.

A man, probably no older than I was, backed out of the bathroom and toward me while rubbing his face with his sleeve. "Hey-!" He tried to speak but I wasn't having any of it, I threw the hair spray bottle at him, then some of the pillows that were left on the bed, then I took the lamp that was on the dresser and charged at him with it. All the while, I really had no idea what I was doing, just that I was angry, and frustrated.

Everything I did was futile though. The lamp was out of my hands in one swift movement, and broke into a million pieces as it hit the floor. I was in the process of using my fits when he'd cleared his vision and grabbed both my wrists -mid-punch- to restrain me. So I did the only thing that was left to do. I screamed.