Status: Updating Tuesday and Thursday; maybe Friday.... It depends on how busy I get.

High School Sweethearts

The Wedding

November 19th came quicker than anyone has thought. It’s been three short months since I ran into Christine and picked up Carly’s phone, but I have yet to call her and she has yet to call me. I think we were both scared of what the other would say. But today, the day of my older brother’s wedding, has me more nervous than he was right now.

“Joe,” Kevin chuckled, “it’s my wedding day, and you’re more nervous than I am.”

“Yeah bro, calm down,” Nick rolled his eyes, fixing his tie.

“I’m sorry, but what if she doesn’t come,” I sighed, realizing something more dramatic, “what if she does come.”

“Dude, that’s a good thing if she does come, just relax,” Kevin smirked, making me glare at him. I nodded my head though, calming down slightly. “Now do me a favor, go take this to Jenni please.”

I nodded my head, taking the small bag from him, and headed to the other room down the hall. Knocking on the door, I waited for someone to open it. Soon, my mother opened the door, smiling at me. I smiled back at her, while walking inside. My smile only grew more once I saw Jenni standing in front of the mirror with her wedding dress on. She looked beautiful and I knew Kevin would die once he sees her.

“You look beautiful and once Kevin sees you, he’ll die,” I laughed, handing her the small pink bag. “This is from him.”

“Thanks Joe,” she sighed, letting her nervous show. She glanced at me before opening up the bag. “Why do you look so nervous?”

“Because what if she doesn’t come or she does come and we don’t even see each other?” I bit my thumb nail.

“Joe, you’ll know exactly what to do once you see her,” she placed a soft hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry so much, you’ll just make everyone else worry.”

“Okay, I’ll try not to,” I sighed, raking my hand through my hair.

“Now get out of here,” she giggled and pushed me out the door.

Laughing, I shook my head while leaving the room and heading back to the guys room, only to me ushered back out to the main room. I began to seat all our family and friends, while Nick dealt with Jenni’s family and friends. Twenty minutes till the wedding, I have yet to see Carly or the boys walk through the door. To say I didn’t wish to see her would be a complete lie. I have wanted to see her since the day after Project Graduation. I remember going to her house the very next day.


Having a great night the night before, I wanted to see Carly again, so I decided to head over to her house. But once I got to her house, everything was gone. No little toys out front that John would play with. No car. No bikes. Nothing that would show someone lives there. It took me a while to notice the ‘for sale’ sign hanging out front, but when I did, I became confused. I ended up walking home upset.

“Joe?” Kevin walked out of the kitchen as I walked through the front door. “What’s up?”

“Did you know Carly moved?” I questioned, staring at him.

“Carly moved?” He repeated, not believing the words that just came out of my mouth.

“I just went to see her,” I sighed, “there was a for sale sign out front and everything outside and inside was gone. No sign of them at all.”

“You’re kidding right?” I shook my head. “Well did you read her note that I gave to you this morning?”

“No, not yet, why?” I glanced up at him.

“Maybe your answer lies in the note,” he shrugged his shoulders, making me run up the stairs to my room.

I took the note out of my pants pocket from last night and unfolded it. Reading the note, I broke down. I broke down the first time in a while. I could not believe she actually left. To Chicago, nonetheless.


At first, I hated her. I hated her for leaving me without a proper goodbye and just a silly little note. But after a while, I knew she did it for the both of us because if she would have said a proper goodbye, we would have not wanted each other to leave. We would have held on to each other for as long as we could, before we drifted apart, so I love her even more for that.

“I do,” Kevin’s voice brought me away from my memory.

Glancing towards my brother, I watched the rest of the ceremony take place without any other flashbacks. I soon found myself sitting at the long table at the reception, eating dinner with the rest of the wedding party. Soon the festive began. Nick and I sang the song Kevin and Jenni first danced to as the happy married couple.

“Hey Joe,” Hayley smiled as she came over after the first dance. “Look towards the door.”

Cocking an eyebrow confused, I turned towards the door, only to have my breath stolen from me. At the door stood the girl I have not seen in four years, the girl who also stole my heart. Carly stood there in the most gorgeous strapless blue dress that hugged her curves perfectly. She looked around, before our gazes locked.
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Okay, I am so so so so sorry I haven't updated in forever and this is short! I just haven't found inspiration for writing this story, but after re-reading it, I found it. Yes, I know it was a large leap, but I just got an idea. When I began this sequel, I really didn't know what to do with it. Now I do. :) Comments also would be helpful to know what you guys think!

Also, thanks to EVERYONE who commented :)