Status: up, and running



Addison had gotten a job.
She was happy.

especially because unlike her friends, who decided to get jobs in noisy places where no one could hear their own voice, let alone thoughts; She had found a small cozy cafe a little over 5 miles away from her school.

This meant that:
A- she didnt have to face a large judgemental teenage crowd
B- she could relax
C-she could study whenever the customers we're done being helped
D-she could listen to the artist's that performed on stage be it poetry,music,art, or culture

She could now use her job as a hangout spot;and she liked that best.

this magical place that seemed to be gifted to her by an unknown force of kindness was her escape. And now that she had found it, she wasnt going anywhere.

Upon thinking here in her mystical place, she had come to terms with the fact that she was alone; and decided it was best.

She decided that love had its ups and downs, and that maybe she wouldnt try anymore.

She knew that she was a lost cause, and that if she did let anyone in, they would just play with her emotions.

Maybe right now wasnt the right time for romance, she would just work on her paintings and focus on her school work.

After all, who needed the extra pressure of a boy anyways?
what good would it possibly do to add yet another person who judged her constantly in to her life?
it wouldnt do any good at all.

That was it, she decided.
I do not want a boyfriend. I do not need to be saved.
I like my time alone.

That was that. She was done thinking about it.


At the same time, Charlie had packed his last box.

The Arrangements for his new school had been set.
His friends had been informed
and all of his contact information on his phone had been tripple checked.

He was ready for this move; and instead of being scared, like he should have been...he looked at his situation as if it were an adventure.

And he was ready to handle mission impossible.

Where was he going? He didnt know, his mom never told them where they were going until they got there.
And they never left any information on where they were going.

Who would he encounter?
He didnt know, and that was the exciting part.

What new experiences would he have? He didnt know, but he was wise, because he had already experienced quite a great deal of things for his young age of 17, and he knew that the new experiences to come would just make him wiser, and his soul richer.

Theonly thing he extremely regretted leaving, were the people who had shared their experiences with him at the homeless shelter, where he had volunteered.

and the homeless teens he had helped get put in to homes.

but he figured, they would survive with all of the other volunteers,
and he would always be able to continue where he left of in any other state he went to.

He sighed, as he saw his mother get in to the moving truck in front of him.

It was time to go.

And although it was irrational, he waved goodbye to his old house, as he once again acknowledged the fact that he was moving.

His mom had started the truck, and he had started his car.

and they took off, knowing that in 6 hours and 30 minutes...(He) would loose track of them, and would have to start all over again, if he dared try again.

and that it would take him quite some time to figure out where they were, if he could figure it out at all.
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what do you think so far? :)