Off the Wall

Chapter 25

Flipping his cell phone open, Charlie hurriedly went through the numerous contacts and numbers on his phone until he found the one he was looking for. Pressing the call button with such force that he was surprised that he didn’t crush the cellular device. After waiting for what felt like a lifetime, Charlie let out a sigh of relief when he heard the other line pick up.

“Christie?” He could practically see and hear her smile form. He felt a horrible pang of guilt.

“Charlie!” She exclaimed happily. “I’m so sorry that I didn’t call your earlier or yesterday. I lost track of time. Well, I was actually talking to my dad the whole day. Pathetic sort of, haha. Whatever, I love my dad. Anyway, what about Charlie boy? I didn’t hear from you at all yesterday. I missed you actually.”

Charlie nearly choked. He ran his hands through his hair crazily and nearly tugged some of it out. He nervously paced around the small kitchen table. Wiping the wet tears from his olive colored eyes, he began speaking. “Christie, baby. I know what you mean. Yesterday was pretty.. Crazy I guess. I missed you,” he admitted, speaking the honest truth.

“Is something wrong?” She asked, her voice full of concern. “Do you need me to come over or do you want to come to my place?”

Charlie contemplated her offer before making up his mind. “Erm, why don’t we just hang out today? It’s pretty early in the morning and we could spend the whole day together. You know, if that’s cool with you.”

“Great!” Christie gloated on the phone. “I’ll just come by your place and then we can get a move on. I actually have something planned with you in mind.”

“Really? What is it Chris?”

“I can’t tell you,” she giggled in the phone. “But to be honest, I don’t know if you like it, but I absolutely adore it.”

Charlie managed his first smile that felt natural in the last two days. “What is it?”

“Charlie! Like I said, it’s a secret.”

“Is it something that only twenty four year old girls like?” He asked playfully.

“For you information, I’m a woman, not a girl,” she said followed by another high pitched giggle. “If you can’t handle this woman then I don’t know how you’re going to manage tonight.”


“You’re a smart one Charlie.”

Charlie blushed. “Why can’t you tell me Chris!?”

Christie’s next few words were in one confusing blur and Charlie had to strain his ears to catch and properly understand everything she said. “I’ll be there in the next five or so minutes. Stay beautiful,” she speedily said before hanging up the phone.

Charlie stood there dumbfounded. What was suppose to happen tonight that was a secret? Charlie gulped.

Oh shit.
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Any ideas what's going to happen tonight?