Status: First story ever :)

The Eyes

The Eyes

It was a beautiful stary night, and I was resting in my bed after a long day's work on my family's farm, when suddenly there came a faint taping sound from my closet door. As I got up to check my closet door, It opened ever so slightly to revel a lovely pair of blue eyes staring at me. For some unknown reason the saying "If looks could kill." suddenly popped into my mind....
That was seven years ago all that I can remmber from that strange night are those eyes...
I still live in that house, the one with the blue eyes, but,
I'm an old lady now, no family, no friends, no one to love, no one but the eyes.
Every night it looks at me, every night I look back at the eyes. As I lay in bed one night looking at the eyes I heard a melodious whisper of a man, " Kill! Drain them from all of there blood, all that have wronged you."
" Wwwhat?"
"Bring me the heads of 1,000 evil men, than we can be together forever, my love."
"Yes, I will so we can be together, forever"
"Yes, forever." Said the eye with a laughing tone to his voice.
That night I did what he commanded. Taking the lives of everyone, From the elderly to infants. When I got back to my room the eyes was gone.
"I'm back, Where are you? I got you the 1,000 heads!"
"Good!" He cheered "Go put them into a pentagram and chant 'suscitare regem inferenorum.' five times in a row with out stoping."
I did as he wished putting each head very carefully in there place. When the pentagram was done I was ready to say the chant, " suscitare regem inferenorum, suscitare regem inferenorum, suscitare regem inferenorum, suscitare regem inferenorum, suscitare regem inferenorum."
"AHHHHH!" Laughed the pair of blue eyes, as it walked out of the closet I could see that it was the most handsome man I have ever seen, he was about 6ft tall with back hair, pale skin and of coarse perfect blue eyes. " Very good, I was just abou..."
"What is your name?" I inturrpted.
" My name?" He giggels, "You want to know my name?"
"Yes." I say
He than faster than a blink of an eye he morphed in to a ugly half goat, half human best.
"My name, " He yelled, " My name is Lucifer!" I was petcheride. I dident even notice him putting his hand around my neck and pulling me into the closet.