Status: all done:D

I Believe In Love At First Sight

"I believe in love at first sight."

Cleveland's POV

I looked at the window itself. It always seemed so magical to me. The snow that had fallen on it was melting already, looking like raindrops.

I sat up from where I was lounging on the window sill to look around the room. It was here that I often went to think when I had sad, lonely thoughts. This room, this very window sill I sat on, reminded me that love could happen, even for those of us who couldn't leave here.

"One day," my father, Katan had said, "One day the different races will accept half breeds and mixes, but my child, that day we must wait for." He had told me, and I held onto those words with all I had in me.

This window sill was where Alicen, my Uncle by blood, met Shobal, my Uncle by marriage. He had crawled in through the window, looking for shelter, not thinking anyone would be there, but Sho was.

They met when Shobal was getting very depressed about the fact that he didn't have anyone to love. He had my father, Katan, who was practically his brother, but that didn't count. He wanted a lover, and he found one in my Uncle Alice.

Sometimes I wondered what it would have been like if I had grown up in the castle. Would I have ever experienced this longing for someone to be intimate with? Would I have already had my first kiss by now? I sighed and shook my head. It was no use thinking thoughts like this.

What happened, happened, and there's nothing I can do to change it, so I need to get used to this, make the best of what I have, I told myself.

Letting out a huff of cold breath, I laid back down, the sill shaking slightly, but I ignored it like always.

I had reached up to rub my ears softly, to warm them up a little bit, when it happened.

One minute, I was lying on the window sill, the next, I was falling.

I screamed, and tried to open my wings, but I was too close to the ground, only on a second story window, and I was too young and inexperienced to keep myself up, so down I plummeted.

I braced myself for the impact, but it never came.

No, something worse happened.

I felt arms around me, the arms that prevented me from falling to the ground, and screamed, trying as hard as I could to get away from whoever had caught me, still screaming.

Why wasn't someone here yet?

"Little neko, there's no need to fear." I heard a voice say, and I froze, my screaming stopping suddenly. "You see?" What sounded like a male voice asked, "That's much better."

I had been told about that accent from my parents. It was the accent of a person with two elongated fangs protruding from their gums. It was the accent that only vampires had.

He turned me in his arms, and I saw his fangs, and I screamed again. I was honestly scared shitless. I had never really seen a vampire before, only in pictures and in my mind from what I read of books on the subject, but nothing prepared me for this.

"Let me guess what's going through your mind, 'Get away from me nasty vampire!'" He mocked, and then smiled. "It's OK, I've heard it all before, nothing you can say will hurt my feelings Adorable One."

For a second I stopped screaming to stare at him wide-eyed.

Then I started screaming again.

"Oh for the love of God, Adorable One, will you please stop that incessant screaming? It's harming my very sensitive eardrums. Now, where is the master of this residence?" He asked, and I had to stop screaming, because my throat hurt, so instead I shook my head to let him know I wasn't going to tell him.

"But I need to speak to Shobal..." He whined, and my eyes widened. "Of course I know about Shobal, I also know about you all...You're name is Cleveland, but I'd much rather call you Adorable One. It has an adorable ring to it." He laughed, "haha, get it? Adorable One, adorable ring...oh who am I kidding. I'm just a useless vampire who can't stand blood." He signed, and sat down with a umph as I went down with him.

He held me in his arms, and pulled me close to him.

I was scared; apparently I was not only held by a vampire, but a vampire with problems.

“C-Can you let me go now?” I asked, and he shook his head. He laid down on the ground, the snow crunching softly beneath him, and he pulled me against his side.

“No, you’re warm and cute. Besides, I need someone to give me baby vampires.” He said, smiling, and I squeaked in surprise, blushing.

“S-stop talking like that.” I growl playfully, and he chuckled.

“I’m just kidding my dear.” He said softly, and leaned forward, kissing my nose.

“You’re strange.” I said, and the boy giggled, yeah, giggled.

“I know.” He said, smiling, and I blushed, looking away.

“So, will you go out with me?” The vampire asked, and I think I just choked on my own spit.

“W-What?” I managed to say.

“Will you go out with me.” He said again.

“No, I understood what you said, but why would you ask something like that?” I asked him, and looked over to see him smiling back at me.

“Because I believe in love at first sight.”
♠ ♠ ♠
i was going to put more to this, but I liked it ending like this, leaving you to think of all the possibilities.

tell me what you think. all you have to do is press the comments button in the upper right hand corner:D