Status: Active, I hope.

Growing up Twisted


"C'mon please come over, Tori!" My freshman friend, Cheyenne begged. Her family was like world famous. And I'm the only one of her friends who she's ever wanted to come to her house. I actually felt really flattered.

"Chey, I don't know..." I groaned, it was 9th period and we both had study hall.

"Please, I promise, they'll like you." She said.

"Well, it's not about them liking me, it's just I don't know how to act around a famous family."

"Just act how you normally would, please. My family would love to meet you."

I sat there, I looked at the clock, there was only a couple mintues left of class. "Ah, what the hell, sure I'll come over.."

"Yes!" She grinned, "I'll see if you can stay the night." She smiled, going to her phone.

Going to Cheyenne's. I texted my mom.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

"Lets go! My mom's picking us up!" She said, We grabbed our bags and we went out to the black cadillac escalade. "Mom, this is Tori. Tori, this is my mom." Cheyenne said as she got in the front seat and I got in the back seat.

"Hi, Mrs. Snider. It's nice to meet you." I smiled.

"Hello! Cheyenne's told me a lot about you. It's nice to finally meet you." She smiled. I sat back and buckled my seat belt.

"Who's all home, mommy?" Cheyenne asked.

"Everyone but Bri and Jess." Mrs. Snider said.

"Okay, can Tori sleep over this weekend?" Cheyenne asked.

"If it's alright with her parents, then I'm fine with it."


We pulled into the driveway and my nerves started.

"Thanks for the ride, Mrs. Snider."

"Oh, you're welcome." She smiled.

"C'mon." Cheyenned locked my arm in hers.

"Introduce her to your father and brothers!" Mrs. Snider called. Just as Cheyenne pulled me inside and threw our backpacks in the foyar one of her brothers was there.

"SHANE!" Cheyenne screamed, "This is Tori. My best friend." She said in a softer voice.

"Hi! Nice to meet you." Shane held his hand out.

"Hi, nice to meet you too." I laughed, taking his hand and shaking it.

"Alright c'mon!" Cheyenne pulled me, "DADDY!" She screamed. Then Dee fucking Snider came out of the kitchen. "Dad, this is Tori, my best friend. Tori, this is my dad, Dee."

"Hey, Tori. I've heard a lot about you. Nice to meet you." He held his hand out.

"Hi, Mr. Snider. It's nice to meet you too." I smiled, blushing slightly. I took his hand.

"Where's Cody?" Cheyenne asked.

"I don't know, check his room." Dee said.

"Okay." Cheyenne and I walked upstairs. "CODY!" She pounded on his door.

"What?" His voice was groggy as his half naked body opened the door.

"This is my best friend, Tori. Tori, this is my brother, Cody." Cody and I seemed to lock eyes.

"Hey." He said.

"Hey." I blushed slightly.

"She's staying over for the weekend." Cheyenne said.

"Really? You're gonna put up with us for a weekend?" Cody rubbed his eyes.

"Put up with you? You guys can't be close to as bad as my family." I laughed.

"You haven't spent the night with us." He laughed, I did too.

"Alright, I'm taking her to my room." Cheyenne pulled me away. We went in her room and just hung out for a while.

"Chey, Tori. Come downstairs, mom and dad got pizza." Shane's voice came from the intercom. We got up and ran downstairs.

"Dig in." Shane said.

"Where's mom and dad?" Cheyenne asked.

"Out for the night." Cody said. Cheyenne and I loaded up plates.

"Sweet!" Chey and I highfived.

"But Jesse and Bri are coming over like any minute."

Then a white dog with a black stripe down it came walking in.

"Oh my god! That's the sickest dog I've ever seen!" I threw my hands up. The three laughed.

"Do you have any animals?" Shane asked.

"Mhmm. I have 2 cats, 2 hamsters, and a fish." I said, "But only one cat and one hamster is mine." I said.

"What about the others?" Cheyenne asked.

"Uh, one cat is my mom's. And a hamster is my nephew's. Same with the fish, but the fish chills in my room." I laughed, she did too.

"Lucky, this is a family dog." She said. I laughed. Then the front door opened. "JESSE!"

"Hey Chey." He said.

"Jesse, Bri. This is Tori, my best friend. Tori, this is my brother Jesse, and his wife Bri."

"Hi, Tori." Jesse took my hand, "You're how old?"

"17." I said.

"You're 17... and hanging out with a 13 year old?"

"Yeah? Dude, when I was her age, I hung out with my brothers friends who were like in their 20s, not that bad." I laughed, then looked to Cheyenne, "You do that I'll kill you." She laughed, as I did too.

"Alright, you're adopted." Jesse said and him and Bri got some pizza.

I wonder what's in store for tonight.
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Long-ish start.