I'll Be There for You

I'll Be There Not Far Behind

He leaned against the brick wall of the abondoned building, a cigarette between his lips as he tried to calm down. His bangs shagged in his eyes, concealing his sight of the painful world.

"Billie, are you okay?" a familiar voice asked as footsteps approached him.

He looked up and pulled the cigarette from his lips, flipping his bangs to the side and out of his line of vision, his emerald eyes greeted by his long time friend.

"No, not really," he answers softly, placing the cigarette between his lips once again for a long drag.

"What happened now?" the voice asks, leaning against the wall beside him.

He shook his head, his eyes averting contact.

"Billie, come on, tell me," the voice says again.

"It doesn't concern you, Mike!" he shouts, looking up at the taller man. Mike sighed in defeat and looked away. "Look, I'm sorry--"

"It's okay," Mike interupts, giving him a sly smile.

They stood there with an awkward silence, Billie finishing his cigarette, throwing the bud to the ground and smashing it with the toe of his shoe.

"I can't trust anyone, Mike," he whispers softly, a hint of sadness in his voice. "I haven't since my dad passed twelve years ago."

"Is that what's been bothering you?" Mike asks, looking his friend in the eye. Billie nodded, tears welling in his eyes. "Oh, BJ, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, Mike," he says, a tear escaping his right eye. "Don't be sorry."

"Billie, you're my friend, I care about you," Mike says, turning to face his friend.

"Well, don't because I can't trust that you do," Billie spat venomously.

Mike shifted as Billie averted his eyes to the rocky pavement. Mike took a deep breath and slowly let it out, putting his weight on both feet. getting ready to leave when he saw tears slowly sliding down the man's cheeks. Then he definately knew he had to do something to help him.

He walked closer to him until he was standing in front of him. His hand tangled itself in the smaller man's hair, lifting his head gently so he look into his beautiul emerald eyes.

"Billie, do you love anyone?" Mike asked softly.

"Yes, I do actually," he replied, averting eye contact with the man about him the most.

"Do you love me?" Mike asks, resting his forehead against the man's, his hand threading between random locks of his raven hair.

"Y-yeah, but I--"

"Then you don't have to trust me," Mike interupts, placing his index finger of his free hand on the shorter man's lips. "You just need to know I love you, too."

"I do, but--"

"No buts," he interupted again. "You just need to know, and we could grow together from that."

His green eyes shined with happiness behind his tears.

"Okay, I love you, Mike,: Billie said shyly, a blush spread across his cheeks.

"I love you, too, Billie," Mike smirked, kissing him softly on the lips.

Trustless, Billie was, but he was in need of Mike. Independant, they were, but they needed each other. They say love is blind, and in this sitiuation, it was. Trust is said to be the key to a healthy relationship, but what if you can't trust, like Billie? What if you love someone, but can't trust anyone? Trust isn't easy to gain, and when you're like Billie, you have to let love come first.


"Yes, Mike?" he answered, detaching his lips from the man's neck.

"Put your faith in me. I'll help you through this," he stated, hesitant for the man's reply.

"I love you, of course I will," Billie whispered. "Just because I can't trust, doesn't mean I don't have faith."

"I understand, my love," Mike said, placing a genuine kiss upon his lips. "I'll be there for you, until the end."

"Until death do us part," Billie giggled.

And until the end it shall be.
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enjoy readers :)