Status: not sure how long this will be

Like You

A contest entry for this contest by xFar-From-Lonelyx

The song I was given was:

Like You by Evanescence

Jeremy was living with his mother when she died, and he was forced to move to be with his father, in Somalia, away from England and his lover, Casey.

Casey who must remain in England to take care of his aging Grandparents, loves Jeremy with all his heart, and always had, but he never had the chance to tell him that before he abruptly moves. Casey writes letters to his friend in America weekly, a new song each time, that explains what he's feeling and going through.

Casey is slowly sinking deeper and deeper into depression without Jeremy there, but what if Jeremy comes back one day?
  1. "I'll Be Right Before You Forever More."
    Chapter One And Only - 988 words