Status: Active for the Next 20 Days

The Written Word is a Tricky Thing

Day One

I walked into my room and tossed my school bag on the corner next to my desk. Shuffling over to my bed, exhausted from the day, I flopped down and buried myself in the warmth of the covers. My body ached from gym, and I hadn't had enough sleep the night before; I knew it wouldn't be long until I made the descent into a blissful deep sleep. The last thing I thought of before drifting off, was my crush's beautiful blue eyes, and how much I wanted to tell him how I felt.

My first thought was that I looked beautiful. I was wearing a knee-length golden dress with beautiful onyx accents. My long brown hair tumbled in waves down to my waist. I was standing in some kind of hall of mirrors. All I could see was a thousand of my own reflection. I was still staring at myself when there was suddenly another figure in the mirror with me.

It was him. His blue eyes were shining, and they met my gaze in the mirrors. He smiled at me, and moved to my side. All I could think was how amazing he looked. When he touched my shoulder and turned me toward him, my heart felt like it might beat itself right out of my chest. He looked right into my eyes and whispered,

"There's something I've wanted to tell you for a very long time."

I couldnt breathe; couldn't reply. Instead, I just stood there gazing back at him. He leaned down, so that our faces were only an inch apart. After what seemed like an eternity, he closed the distance between us.

His lips felt like satin, and tasted sweet like honey. They were smooth and gentle against mine. The kiss lasted for only a few seconds, but it left me lightheaded.

He looked back into my eyes and said, "I love you."

That's when I woke up. I lay there in my bed, trying to hold on to the dream before it left my mind and I lost it forever. After a few minutes I got up and went across the room to retrieve my cell phone from my school bag.

I pulled out my phone to find that I had a new text. I had to read it at least five times before I was convinced I'd read it correctly.

It was from him. He'd texted me when I was sleeping, to tell me that he loved me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay.. so I know this is totally.. not that great. But it's also 1:20 a.m. and my brain isn't functioning properly. Anyway, please comment and or subscribe :)

I'll be updating again tomorrow! (or later today, if you wanna be technical about it.)